Pen Pals maybe!??

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Well, I'm kinda shy and don't know how to start this up. So anyone can e-mail me. and just introduce themselves.
My e-mail is above and in my homepage.
Okay, I'm just planning to randomly select someone, so anybody posted here, expect and email from me ( :lol:
Haha, everybody. Just wanted to let you know that I actually now have a pen pal (well, more like a keyboard pal :lol:) from this forum! (CatherineWillows) The really ironic part is that not only do we live in the same country, but we live in the same province too! :D :D :D Anyway, thanks vampireD4 for getting this started - it's a lot of fun!
This actually sounds fun, by email is safer and the idea is still the same. I have never done a thing like this before, so I am a little confused. So we would change emails with people here from the forum, getting to know eachother better, apart from just CSI related things, is that it? Seems cool, but I just started thinking about age factor. Maybe this would be more interesting if we get to know people in the same age group...Don't know, but maybe it's easier to relate with the other person this way. Well, if anyone is interested, just PM me and I will give my email. By the way, I am from Portugal.
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