Pen Pals maybe!??

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Prime Suspect
I would like make pen pals from different country?
Dose anyone here wanna try? :D
I think taht may be slow but fun :p :p
Will it be via e-mail or traditional? By the way, I´m from the south of Spain, so if anyone is interested...
Erm, at this point I'd like you to remind you this is internet and be careful what kind of info you give.
Umm, would it be like email or writing? Cause I'd do email, but I'm a little skeptical on mailing it. (because you put your return address on the envolope) I'm not saying you guys are all creepy people who want to kill me, but it is the internet. But if it was over an email I'd do it. Oh yeah, by the way, I'm Canadian! :)
I would suggest if you guys use snail mail (regular mail), you use a P.O. box instead of a regular home mail address. That's if you're uncomfortable with giving out your home address.
Yeah, I'd prefer email because I don't have a PO box and I'm not too fond of giving out my home address. I watch CSI. I know what's out there. :lol:
I wouldn't mind doing it with email, but again, don't really want to give out my address.
I'm in Canada.
I'd be up for doing it over e-mail. I don't think that the address is on my profile, so it's my user name at (
I'm from West Virginia by the way. :cool:
or you can send it to
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