Paul/Brass: I Got a Coupon #2

Re: Paul/Brass #2

Your welcome, I know there were some who couldn't see it and I was looking on and there it was and thought, Hey cool those who missed it will want to see this. :)
Re: Paul/Brass #2

I watched the interview thanks to the link above and I'm not sure what to make of it... I was thinking that Brass would pull through but with Paul saying how he can get other jobs and all, I'm a bit more worried now.
What's your take on it? Am I just reading too much into it due to trauma from the last images of Bang Bang? ;)
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Damn cliffhangers. And that's all I have to say. Writers got tons of different topics to create suspense and raise ratings. Why do they have to choose those involving the death of our loving ones? Come on. Retire him. Move him to Florida. But don't kill him for God's sake. Heh I'm a little touchy here, sorry. We'll see ...
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Paul himself may not even know what is going to happen to his character, heck the writers may at this stage not know exactly what will happen.

But even if he did, I doubt that Paul would be allowed to discuss it one way or the other, this tends to happen, sometimes they know and sometimes they don't want to know until they have to know, because then their words can be taken the wrong way, and if they are asked they don't have to fib and claim not to.

In this case all Paul IMO was saying is that "if they did kill me off I could get another job, which is not to say that they will, but I have to be open for anything". which is an open interreptation to the fans that you are going to be on the edge of your seats until someone wants to release something more.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Damn Paul Guilfoyle. He makes me cry every time. I love him to little bitty pieces.

When Brass said "when you kill someone, even if it's an accident, you can never take it back. No one ever looks at you the same again, and you can never look at yourself the same again", well, that just got to me. And then that cocky look on his face when he gave the kill word. Brass knew Cutler was going to shoot him and he was probably going to die. It seemed to me that he was basically sacrificing himself to save the woman. Maybe that was his way of ridding himself of the guilt.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

I AM SO HAPPY!!!!! :D I cried more than once during the finale last night. But I was so happy to see Jimmy awake and talking at the end. At least I won't be going totally nuts over the summer. Another thing: We got to see his chest hair. YES!!!! I gotta say, he does have more than I thought. I just hated the fact that Jimmy had to be shot for us to get a look.

Okay, Ellie. I couldn't believe how cold she was about Jimmy being shot. I thought maybe Griss was getting somewhere when he brought her to Jimmy's office and she saw the picture on his desk but then at the hospital she wouldn't even go in his room when he waved her in. Okay, maybe she was scared but maybe they did it this way for more storylines in season 7.

Too bad Annie didn't show up. That would have been a great surprise. Also I couldn't believe when Griss said that he and Jimmy don't hang out. What was that about? I thought they were best friends?

Another thing: I thought Jimmy's birthdate was January 3, 1953 but last night when they brought him into the ER they said he was a 55 year old male.

And when Jimmy flatlined I started to cry major tears. All I could do was keep repeating: Come back to us Jimmy. Don't you leave us.

All in all I'm EXTREMELY HAPPY that Jimmy LIVED!!!! :D

Oh yeah and again: The chest hair - YUMMY!!!!
Re: Paul/Brass #2

i agree with you. I was crying the whole episode b/c i thought that brass was a goner but lone and behold after the code blue, he opened his eyes, waved to his daugheter. that right there, i lost it.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Yay, Jim pulled through! :) I am so glad we'll get to see more Brass in September.

Paul was awesome as usual. He's really been shining this season and I really hope season 7 gives him some more good material to work with. How about another Brass-centric episode? Or several! ;)
Re: Paul/Brass #2

So anyone notice that Brass has a tattoo? It's high on his right shoulder.

Is it wrong to admit that I was looking forward to Brass getting shot just so I could see all that yummy fur? Damn, the man did not disappoint. Of course I can say that now that I'm sure he's alive. I did have my own little heart attack when he coded there at the end. For a minute I thought Brass was going to pull a Denny (Grey's Anatomy) and make us think he was okay only to die. Can't tell you how relieved I am that that didn't happen.

And yes, I did get weepy when Ellie grabbed onto Grissom's arm. She cares about her dad but she's too proud to admit it. I'm so hoping there's more of Ellie (and Annie) next season.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

So, Beaujolais... Please tell us you are working on a few of your great fanfics to get us through the summer happily dreaming of happy-ending Brass angst?

Now you even have this episode's screen caps to jog your imagination if ever needed! ;)
Re: Paul/Brass #2

I have to admit that even though the Brass scenes were short, Paul managed to pull alot from the fans with emotions, sometimes not saying a word is saying a lot.

I was happy to see that Ellie has cleaned up her life a bit, I do think that all her life she has had this "I don't deserve love" maybe she does know that she isn't Jim's biological daughter, and figures he would love her less, so her defense is to push him a way but never fully letting go.

As to last nights ep I agree that asking about his pension was a bad, but you know I can see it, because thats an Ellie move, it was expected, so no one was surprised. At the office when she saw the picture I think for the first time in a long long time she was honest with herself about the fact that Jim is more then a father, he is her daddy no matter what the DNA says.

But at the hospital, I think when he motioned for her to come in and she ran, it was that defense of "never let them see you cry or get to you" that kicked in and she took off. Its just that habit, mixed with OMG I just watched him never return to me. For someone who has cleaned up her life this is a major hurdle that she has to work through so that she doesn't return to her old life. I just hope her and Jim can do so.

But I do agree that Paul managed in those small amounts of scenes he was apart of to put in a whole lot of acting, this was definitly the best part of the show, even for the small amount of time, from the opening to the waking up. He kind of took you with him sometimes without knowing it.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

I loved that scene when Jim calls his daughter with his fingers, she catches the sign right away, then Gil a bit later. Also loved Gil's speech about the way of dying. Good episode in spite of we having to bear with writers trying to set a cliffhanger, heh.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

As cold as it might have seemed, I really liked that Ellie did take off. If she'd gone to him, it would have been way too sappy. Ellie's making progress but it's baby steps at this point. And you know Brass will be patient if that's what it takes to get Ellie back.

The other great scene was Ellie with Warrick. I love the fact that Warrick, the guy who was at odds with Brass in the beginning, is now the one guy who knows all the personal stuff about Jim and definitely has his back.

But I do agree that Paul managed in those small amounts of scenes he was apart of to put in a whole lot of acting, this was definitly the best part of the show, even for the small amount of time, from the opening to the waking up. He kind of took you with him sometimes without knowing it.

This is just par for the acting course from Paul. The guy is good. Really, really, really, good. I remember one of the directors in the commentary saying that while all the other actors are good, Paul consistently brings his A game. I've always thought he's the most underappreciated actor on the show but now he seems to be getting some of the recognition he deserves. Now if the Emmy people would just figure it out.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Sooooooooooooo glad that they didn't kill off Brass..he is one of the best actors around. He also reminds me so much of my dad with this dry sense of humor. My dad used to give hilarious dead-pan delivery (once I spewed milk out of my nose at dinner and got in trouble), but the stone face make it all the funnier! Brass is wonderful. Maybe he will get an Emmy; wouldn't that be cool? :) Also, am I the only one creeped out about Gris with Sara? It was like watching him with his daughter! :eek: (Eeeeew!) And where did he get that bandana-on-crack shirt? Ugh. :confused: