Patricia Cornwell

I LOVED Predator! As I was reading it, I was kind of like "It's good, as usual, but..." then I read the end. I think my jaw hit the floor. THE END! OH, THE END!

I didn't see the twist at the end coming AT ALL. It made the book superbly great. Wow. Wow.

Now, am I the only one who didn't know that the new novel (At Risk, due out May 23) is NOT a Scarpetta novel? :lol: I thought it was, but it's not. It's a new...series? I'm not sure. But the 15th Scarpetta novel, which is as-yet-unnamed, is due out in October '06!

ETA: Has anyone read the Andy Brazil series? Thoughts on those books?
ETA: Has anyone read the Andy Brazil series? Thoughts on those books?

I think Patricia Cornwell summed it up well when she described them as her "Far Side" books. They're lighter, fluffier, but still in the crime genre. I liked the first book, "Hornets Nest", I thought the second book, "Southern Cross", was okay, but it felt a little far fetched and I didn't like the fact that they were in Richmond without Scarpetta being there (yes, I know they're different series, but I don't care :p )

The third book, "Isle of Dogs", I couldn't get into at all, so I still haven't finished it :( (first time that's happened with a Cornwell novel)

I'm sad that the next book isn't a Scarpetta novel, but at least the new one will be out in October - not too far away :)
I LOVE Patricia Cornwell books! I loved The Body Farm and I totally cried when Benton died at the start of Black Notice (I think that's the one)
^ You probably should put that in the spoiler text. That, uh, event is somewhat

I know if anyone spoiled that for me I would be so pissed. In fact, it happened to me, because a friend lent me Black Notice instead of Point of Origin and I read the front cover and...yeah. :| Big shock there.
Cordelia_GRS_Fan said:
I LOVE Patricia Cornwell books! I loved The Body Farm and I totally cried when Benton died at the start of Black Notice (I think that's the one)


Thanks, I am pissed off now :( I just finished From Potter's Field and am starting Cause of Death.I am still a good three books away from Black Notice. Please put those under spoilers next time!
Cordelia_GRS_Fan I have edited your post inserting a spoiler code, when revealing those sorts of details could you please use the spoiler code for those who have yet to read the books. Thanks :)

By the way ThumpyG, I just edited the quote in your post. ;)
:) Sorry, if I got grumpy earlier about the spoiler, Cordeila GSR Fan , I normally don't mind reading spoilers, esp on CSI, it doesn't bother me to know what is going to happen early on. However, with Patrica Cornwell books, it is entirely different for me. These books are riveting to me and being surprised is half the fun! It just makes it a better read when you don't know what is going to happen. Now, I am not as excited to read the next three books, because I am just waiting for the event.
In the books after The Last Precinct
Kay keeps saying she was fired as cheif ME. In The Last Precinct she resigns not fired
I am so bad, but I was really tempted by your spoiler and I read it....

Why would Kay resign??????????????
I just finished Trace and have a couple questions.

1. What happened with the tractor driver's death, was it homicide or accident?
2. Do we learn anything more about the new ME Dr. Marcus? What was up with that fear or garbage men?
3. Do we find out more about what's going on with Fielding?

For the first time after finishing a Patricia Cornwell, I feel dissapointed by the end. I thought she should have written more just to wrap it up.
Does Preditor get better. Right now I'm in the middle of chapter 25/26 and it's a little dull. If it does get better how soon.