P2 - You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

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toomuchovertime said:
You can hear the theme song and know exactly where each actor will be introduced.

haha i can too. in seasons 1 and 2 im always like oh..thats where greg should be! hehe ;)
Mel23 said:
You can't get on CSI Files due to the downtime and are ticked

-You find yourself skimming a Chevy Tahoe article in Consumer Reports at the library when you're asked to make sure the various mags all in order

-When you see an ad in the paper for a Teen CSI night at one of the other local libraries and are bummed 'cause it's for teens only and you're 24. (I should try to sneak in, everyone always thinks I'm only 15 or 16 anyway lol j/k)

I have to agree with the first one, too, Mel. I was major ticked.
...you only survive school by thinking about your fanfiction (or someone else's) (guilty!)
...you can hear any part of any song and mentally make it the background of a CSI episode (guilty!)
...you solved a vandalism case at your school before the police even arrived (guilty!)
Crysthala said:
NO kidding
and also when you know you haved watched to much CSI when you are on the SITE the whole next day after it went down!
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

May i tweak it a little and say: "You know you're obsessed with CSI" instead of watching too much??

...When your friends are over and you check the time constatly and count down until the show comes on.

...When it's one of the only topics of conversation with your friend.

...When you are 100% confident you can get away with murder.

...When you scream at the television during the show then tell everyone else to shut up when they talk.

...When you can figure out the case before the CSIs.

...When you can have full arguments/debates about issues on the show.

...When you can think of this many reasons explaining that you watch too much CSI and/or are obsessed with the show.
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

I think I already posted on another OBSESSED thread...
I talk about it enough that my 4-year-old twins play CSI
(let me tell you they DO NOT WATCH since they are only 4!)
but the other day they said...
"Let's play CSI, I'll be Grissom, you be Sara and let's see what mystery we can solve!" I almost died :eek:
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

HHunter, that is soooo cute! I love little kids, they're so funny!
...during English class, you write all of your short stories about your chosen ‘ship. <scribble>
...you faint when imagining yourself in Rebecca McCormick’s position in “Lady Heather’s Box” when she meets Warrick and Grissom for the first time <faint>
...You go to Walgreen’s regularly to pick up duct tape, index cards, high-polymer mechanical pencil lead, window tinting film, car batteries, latex gloves (the thick kind, since the thin ones leave prints), Q-tips, small boxes, and printer paper (for lab results)
...you are 99.9999999999999999% certain that you can get away with murder (whatever you do? don't step in the blood pool)
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

I thought I posted here, I guess not..
Thanks Crysthala kids are funny
they are on this kick, kinda how I am..
"Mommy is that Grissom, is that show CSI?" Crysthala
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

You're at work and putting out buttons on the racks. You keep looking at the bug buttons (way too many ladybugs and butterflies but a few bees and dragonflies too) and imagine the gang playing a funny but really bad gag on Grissom by getting him a shirt covered with them
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