P2 - You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

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Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

...you bring an episode of csi to journalism class...then con the teacher into letting you watch it...
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

Hey guys please do not post your passwords on the board, it's very dangerous and it gives people a chance to try and find out more about you and use those for getting into accounts (even if you don't say where if they find it..), The rule also applys to full names, addresses and so on, it might seem safe cause so and so can't find me but its still highly not recommended. Thank you.
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

I always have numbers so no one will no...=] But yeah.. sorry. I won't do it again Destiny ='[
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

Anyone with the right technology can find out, I have heard of people cracking passwords based on nothing to just a couple letters. This is why its recommended that people use passwords that are 6-12 characters/numbers and periodically change it when possible so that it isn't easy. But thank you.
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

Ooo. I just thought that they did that because too many peoples passwords are the same.. wow that was a dumb thought. Thank you for telling me that..

**runs to change all passwords**

YKYWTMC when your new nickname is "Lady Kay"
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

lol u know you've watched too much csi wen...

You go to school the on friday and every1 even your teachers ask if you've watched csi last night.

when people come up to you for spoilers to thursday nights epiisode.

when your telling people that its a repeat on.

when some1 asks for a recap of the episode and you find yourself repeating every1 line.

when some1 missed an episode so u send them clips of your favourite parts.

when you start lending out your dvd and have people sign them out.

when your having a deep discussion about something and you go 'yeah tat happened on csi once, and start telling the episode.'

when your aunt goes to vegas and brings csi stuff back for your birhtday.

when your boss asks what happened on csi

your afraid to go to school without being able to watch csi yet causeu taped it cause of hockey. cause u usually flip out on the ppl who missed it and know ur goingto apy.

when ppl tell u they watched csi on spike and u go which one and they say one line and your like 'o u mena the one where..'

when u have hockey on thursday nite and trhe fisrt thing u say is will we be back by 9?

when instread of your mom punishing u from computer or friends house or hockey, she doesn't let me watch the new episode of csi,doesn't let me tape it, or my grandma tape it, or ne of my frieds, takes my csi dvd's,and my tapes,takes away the internet (so i can't read what happend or download clips) :( i hate wen she does that.
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

when u go around singing 'blunt force trauma to theback of the skull...

u go into the grocery store and reead the tv guide magazine and only buy it if there is an article on csi

ur friends make up nicknames and and play role play fer fun aha

ur msn name has csi quotes

u ask ur tech teacher how fer tips on making videos then run home and finish ur csi video
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

You quote CSI to people who don't watch it because you want to sound clever.

You didn't take a night class that you definitely should have because it doesn't get out until 9:40 PM

I'm CERTAIN someone has mentioned this one, but, good grief. I can't kill bugs anymore without feeling like an a-hole.
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

when u go around singing 'blunt force trauma to theback of the skull...

Haha I've been doing that ever since I saw the ep!!! :lol:

Oops yeah just thought about that... *Runs off to change her password* :eek:
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

you know you've watched too much CSI when you sign up for an internet forum to read what will happen next week. =]
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

when you find yourself thinking about something csi related, characters, storylines, possible storylines, etc, randomly when youre at work. haha.
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

when you have your own little fantasy world where you play Catherine, and you can do what ever you want becuase you got a 2 hour block in Bio and got nothing to do. ^_^
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