Out of touch with reality


Subject-title says it all. Too much fancy computerstuff and most of it isnt even realistic. Especially that new widescreen which transfers images on to an even bigger screen at lightning speed. Also the electronic sounds from the computers should be removed.

Its supposed to be close to the real thing isnt it? That btw goes for all 3 csi's. I just think its too polished and that as I said is most obvious in csi miami.

I wonder what real crimelab thinks about all the gizmos and the scifi-like labs. Actually heard that they dont even have the power to arrest people but I dont know if its true.

Get real CBS (and Mr. Bruckheimer) and would you PLEASE make David Caruso less statuesque!
No, they don't have the power to arrest people. That's true. And in reality the CSIs only collect evidence at the crime scene and drop it off at the lab. Then the LAB TECHS do all the analysis. CSIs are just what the name implies - crime scene investigators. What it shows in CSI Miami with Calleigh doing ballistics, all of them doing trace, AV, etc., Natalia doing DNA...that's not how it works. They do it in the show to use more scenes and not have to have a million different actors on the show.

But it's not supposed to be like real life. The show is for entertainment. I watch because it IS entertaining and a good show.
To be honest, I think it would. The CSI Miami look is so flashy and chic and most people love it for that.

Plus, one could argue that Natalia's grant is how they were able to upgrade so much :p
IMO, it shouldn't be so unrealistic that it's unbelievable, but the flashiness and the brightness contribute to my watching Miami. If you accept it as partly pantomime and don't take it too seriously, then it's just lovable!

As long as there isn't anything that's too screamingly incredible, I'm okay. I wouldn't say no to a toning down of David Caruso's superhero status, though. :rolleyes:

ETA *has afterthought* if it were totally realistic, wouldn't all three CSI shows be boring? Just collecting evidence and no investigation or confrontation? None of the scientific glossiness? Just a thought.
Really the only thing that has been bothering me is the Super Human H. The hummer bloweing up w/o him getting a scratch was beyond ridiculos. Other then that - I know this is not real and it is for entertainment. Sometimes I do find myself wondering though - if how the stuff being processed in the lab is accurate. That is just my inquiring mind! :lol:
The designer clothes they wear annoys me, I mean, would you honestly wear those clothes doing the jobs they do? I loved the show in the early years, I wish it would be more real. Its like the plastic surgery junkie of the tv world.
It's all about willing suspension of disbelief. I mean in all the CSI shows, the staff seem to come from the CSI School for Models :lol:
I think the only thing I'd want toned down a little, and this mainly applies to Miami tbh, are some of the outfits worn by the female cast (including the heels :rolleyes: ). Where I work there'd be a discreet word about revealing clothing. Yes Miss Boa Vista I'm talking to you Missy! ;)
As long as there isn't anything that's too screamingly incredible, I'm okay. I wouldn't say no to a toning down of David Caruso's superhero status, though.
Really the only thing that has been bothering me is the Super Human H.
I can't believe what I'm hearing...(reading). Miami wouldn't be the same without Super H, he's what makes the show what it is. Please don't get rid of the statuesque Super H. :lol:
;) ;)
For those that think the electronic and computer gadgetry on the show isn't realistic, sorry to disappoint. It is realistic, every bit of it. What is fiction is sometimes the way it's used and of course the time frames. Also, NO police department or crime lab could budget for all of it or even most of it. Even the concept of "The Vaporizer" from "Guerillas in the Mist" is real, although not necessarily as shown. :) :)
I like the gadgetry. I love watching them do stuff with test tubes and pipettes. I haven't a clue whether that's realistic or not, but it looks good. *is desperate non-scientist*

The clothes that the women wear are really unbelievable. Especially the high heels. I couldn't walk down the street in them, let alone tiptoe around a crime scene. :eek: And white trousers in a scene that's swimming in blood? Please!

Something that just occurred to me that does annoy me when it turns up is how the witnesses always remember where they were, can explain how their fingerprints got on something, know exactly how one of their hairs got on someone's shoes... I couldn't explain it. I can't believe that they have all these ready explanations. Just once, let one of them say, "I don't know", and look blank.

(Oh, and BTW, I don't necessarily want H to not be Super-H. I'd just like him to give the others more of a chance to shine sometimes.)
In my opinion, Miami has always been a little out of touch when it comes to reality in certain areas of its depiction, but what made up for that were the characters, the teamwork and the friendships for me.

I can understand the nervousness concerning Super H - afterall Horatio is the central character of Miami and if he is unbelievable then the program can look and feel unbelievable.

Whilst this character was a full blown Hero from the beginning, there were certain aspects of the character that grounded him in a bit of believability too, such as the friendships or the thought that he could be hurt in some way (physically as well as emotionally), which made him far more palatable than what we have now (apart from Miami Confidential)

I think they need to re-introduce the possibility that Horatio can be hurt physically, because at the moment, especially with such goings on that went on in "Guerillas in the Mist", Horatio for me is far more Super-Hero than Human and it is spoiling the program a little for me.

I'm hoping the Horatio shown in Miami Confidential sticks around from this point on because he was a lot more human in that episode than any other one this season, simply because he cared for others, such as Alexx and Ryan and also Frank.

The whole super H storyline is way out of control and it is one of the reasons my interest in this show is not what it was when I started watching it last year. First he gets out of a blown up Hummer....then calmly kills 3 people. Wouldn't he have to have these shootings investigated??? Then what made this whole thing even more absurd was the VERY NEXT epsiode 2 of his co-workers are involved in a building explosion and they have the EMT's there to check them out. So H doesn't need medical attention - just his team members??? I understand Horatio has a lot of fans here - so I aplogize if I have offended anyone.
But, Kat it's so true. They make him out to be super human and it's just not the case.

There should have at least been soot on him from the fire, or a scratch or two. But nothing is hard to concieve. Even the though of having oxygen to get the smoke out.

Ryan and Alexx didn't get oxygen after their fire either...which makes no sense since it was a ticking Meth lab...
Teflon-H! It's not the first time he's come out of an SUV after an explosion without a scratch. :lol:

And if we're on the subject of out of touch wiht reality... One word. Marisol.