Subject-title says it all. Too much fancy computerstuff and most of it isnt even realistic. Especially that new widescreen which transfers images on to an even bigger screen at lightning speed. Also the electronic sounds from the computers should be removed.
Its supposed to be close to the real thing isnt it? That btw goes for all 3 csi's. I just think its too polished and that as I said is most obvious in csi miami.
I wonder what real crimelab thinks about all the gizmos and the scifi-like labs. Actually heard that they dont even have the power to arrest people but I dont know if its true.
Get real CBS (and Mr. Bruckheimer) and would you PLEASE make David Caruso less statuesque!
Its supposed to be close to the real thing isnt it? That btw goes for all 3 csi's. I just think its too polished and that as I said is most obvious in csi miami.
I wonder what real crimelab thinks about all the gizmos and the scifi-like labs. Actually heard that they dont even have the power to arrest people but I dont know if its true.
Get real CBS (and Mr. Bruckheimer) and would you PLEASE make David Caruso less statuesque!