OUCH!!! The worst sports injuries you have ever seen

Wow, some things you should not show in slow motion, or still pictures, as they might be worse than real time.

I remember one horrifying racing crash about 4 years ago, where CART driver Alex Zanardi lost both his legs. What happened was he lost control coming out of the pits, and went right into the path of another car coming at 200 mph. The other car hit him broadside, and the impact took off his legs. The video was horrifying enough, in which you see the car just shatter; but about a year later, Sports Illustrated ran an article about Alex's life after the crash; unfortunately they had a picture of the crash at impact, you could see pieces of car and flesh fly through the air, one of the most disgusting things I have ever seen.

Edit: Charisma, the Mike Cameron incedent you displayed was a scary moment, although a lot of other moments come to mind when it comes to baseball. Dave Dravecky, Tom Browning and Tony Saunders all breaking their arms mid-pitch, and Jason Kendall and Geoff Jenkins breaking their ankles while stepping on a base awkwardly are all burned into my memory.
One of the saddest crash I remember was Ayrton Senna with McLaren in Imola :( where he died :(
That was a horrible weekend in F1, with both Senna and Roland Ratzenberger dying in crashes. Although Senna was with Williams at the time, he left McLaren for Williams to start the year.

Fatal crashes are usually pretty rough to watch, especially in an open wheel race. Dale Earnhardt's death in the 2001 Daytona 500, while saddening, wasn't all too gruesome to watch, mainly because it happened in a stock car, so you didn't really see anything inside the car, plus it wasn't one of the most spectacular wrecks I have ever seen.
You know CaptainMiracle... this really isn't my day :lol:
Tho, I was really young back then. But I'm not remembering anything today or remember it wrong. And I even hit my head to window when I was looking at our backyard! :lol:

RoadRacing had some bad looking yesterday... don't rmember was it 250cc or 500cc or MotoGP
Ok, my friend sent me a link to this one, from last year of Liverpool's Djibril Cisse. It is definitely not as bad as Theismann, but it is still rather wicked. Of course I will not post the picture itself, as I don't want people who don't want to view the picture to view it.

From BBC.co.uk
Sorry about the double post, but this just happened yesterday. Baltimore Orioles second baseman Brian Roberts dislocated his left elbow trying to cover first base. He stuck his glove out to try to catch a throw, but stuck it right in the way of Yankee hitter Bubba Crosby, and the force of the impact bent Roberts' elbow the other way. I jumped when I saw the replay.
Joe Thiesman breaking his leg playing Football. They showed it over and over again. You could see the bone just snap in two.
Yeah, and Theismann's injury caused something even worse: his subsequent foray into sports broadcasting, and the subsequent injury to the ears of the millions of people who have to put up with his mouth every Sunday night.
i dunno bout famous ones, but i have a few of my own, lol.

i once broke my arm playing footy, and the bone came out through the skin!!! it was gross, it didnt hurt that much coz i was in shock, but i threw up from looking at it.

also have broken both wrists, nothing like above though.

dislocated both knees, right twice, left once, and i had to pop them back in too, HURT LIKE HELL!!!

dislocated and broken multiple fingers

cracked my skull, that one was BAD

broken both colar bones

dislocated my left shoulder

broken 4 ribs

and been knocked out like 10 times!!!

i play alot of sport, all this and im only a 16 yr old girl, LOL.
I play football and was playing in a game when a team mate of mine managed to dislocate her hip, wasn't nice at all.

I also went up for a header once with a goalie who landed hard and was sent to hospital on a strecher with a neck collar! (She was fine eventually)

Last one was a guy called David Buust for Man City FC, compond fracture tib and fib (lower leg) was at right angle to other part of leg!!! He never played again!
I've seen a few bad injuries during my hockey years. Once during a game a girl fell at the boards right near me and screamed bloody murder...apparently she broke her leg or something. I agree with whomever mentioned the goalie whose throat was slashed...I saw the vid on YouTube and it's scary because I'm a goalie myself.

However, I must say that the scariest injury I've seen yet happned to Bryan Berard, who is my favourite hockey player. He was hit in the eye by a stick on March 11, 2000. Thankfully he can see a little bit and is still playing :D
oh gosh...lets see ive seen quite a few hockey injuries. well there was the game when the one leafs player (pohl i think his name was) had lost his helmet and then fell to the ice....cracked his head and there was blood everywhere.

a team i watched where i used to live, the brooks rangers, one game 2 players got to fighting, one lost his helmet, then was sent to the ice...and well you can imagine...sent out on a stretcher. but im pretty sure he was ok.

and then there was the marty mcsorley slash on brian bashier that was a few seasons ago, and the todd bertuzzi hit on steve moore. and because of the icing i remember seeing a few guys go into the boards and break legs.

also when saku koivu got hit in the eye. i mean how much does one gu have to go through? luckiliy he's back in the game.
jazzfan said:
Joe Thiesman breaking his leg playing Football. They showed it over and over again. You could see the bone just snap in two.
I was actually watching that game on TV when it happened. I'll never forget that one.
one time during tennis practice. me and my team were sitting out watching the JV practice. and this girl took a ball at close range to the face and you heard her nose you just go. it was so bad.

when i was like 6, i played baseball and my brother accidently whacked me in the face with a metal bat. i lost all my baby teeth that night. it was bloody and disgusting. i cried for like 3 straight days, no joke.