OUCH!!! The worst sports injuries you have ever seen

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I had a discussion about this with my friends a few days ago. Unfortunately, in the great world of sports, many participants do get hurt. Most of the injuries you hear about are maybe bruises or cuts, or the injury happens to a tendon or muscle, so you can't really notice what is wrong with the injured person. However, there are those grotesque, gruesome, turn-off-the-TV-before-I-vomit injuries in which you know that it will be a long time, if at all, until the injured person comes back. If you play sports, or are a fan of sports, what are some of the worst injuries you have ever seen?

I will start with Joe Theismann, in which NY Giants legend Lawrence Taylor landed on the Redskins quarterback's shin, breaking it so badly that the bone went through the skin. I don't think this would have been so well known if ABC hadn't replayed the ghastly sight about 25 times that night, even going so far as zooming in and circling the bone. To this day, when any American Football player suffers a leg injury, the Theismann injury is what they compare it to.

Another one that comes to mind is former Buffalo Sabres goalie Clint Malarchuk. This was the guy who got his jugular vein slashed by an errant skate while he was in goal in 1989. I remember the famous words by one of the Sabres television commentators: "Please, take the camera off him, don't even bring it over there!" Fortunately, Malarchuk survived, and was even back on the ice in 3 weeks, but his career was never the same.
This might not qualify as the worst injury, but one people seem to remember the most:

Vinko Bogataj was a Slovenian ski jumper, who became noted on television in the United States for a moment of spectacular failure that was featured on ABC's Wide World of Sports as the infamous "Agony of Defeat".

Bogataj was competing as a (then) Yugoslav entrant at the World Ski Flying Championships in Oberstdorf, Germany (then West_Germany) on March_21, 1970. A light snow had begun falling at the start of the event, and by the time Bogataj was ready for his third jump, the snow had become quite heavy.

Midway down the ramp for that jump, Bogataj realized that the conditions had made the ramp too fast. He attempted to lower his center of gravity and stop his jump, but instead lost his balance completely and rocketed out of control off the end of the ramp, tumbling and flipping wildly, and crashing through a light retaining fence near a crowd of stunned spectators before coming to a halt. Fortunately - and surprisingly, given the ferocity of the crash - Bogataj suffered only a mild concussion. He returned to ski jumping the next year, but never duplicated the success he had before the crash and retired from the sport competitively (except for occasional senior competitions thereafter). He became a ski instructor, coaching the 1991 World Champion Slovenian ski jumper Franci Petek, and supplementing his income by operating a forklift at a factory.
Ski jumper Jari Puikkonen, in the 80s in Lahti (I don't remember theyear, was in 1988 or some earlier Lahti games) jumped and it went way too far, at the bottom and even he landed on his feet (skis), impact was so strong that he broke his both legs. It's very awful clip to see. It ended his career.

Then was it Herman Mayer who fell in Alpine skiing and in very fast speed almost flew of the track and broke his leg very badly and they said he can never can do his sport again but a few years later he was back and winning.
Siri...was it Herman...or Christian? :lol:
Well, I dont think I've really ever seen an serious injury in a sport I love but I've seen this fighting game where a guy locked his legs with another guy and broke his leg on impact.
My major at university was Sports Medicine so I saw a few gnarly ones. Worst our training room ever pulled in while I was actually there was a compound fracture, gymnast landed bad off the high bar and came in with part of his ulna sticking through his skin - obviously he went straight to the ER.

Scariest one I saw on TV though had to be in the 70's when Dodger catcher Steve Yeager was hit in the throat by the end of a teammate's broken bat while he was on the on-deck circle. Bled pretty bad but it ended up not being too serious. Missed his carotid by a fraction of an inch.

one time at volleyball practice, someone hit the ball and it looked like it was going out(and if it falls in between people the coach makes us run) so these two girls run after it and end up colliding with each other. They were laying on the floor for like 2 minutes. It looked like it hurt but it was pretty funny too.
I was watching an local amatuer European football/soccer match and during it I witnessed a player dislocate his shoulder. It was not pleasent at all. When watching other players in ef/soccer taking a tumble one who worry if they could injure themselves by doing it...it looks pretty scary.
I was watching an local amatuer European football/soccer match and during it I witnessed a player dislocate his shoulder. It was not pleasent at all.
That would also be the worst injurie I have seen when I was at college, I have never seen a guy cry so much, it was indeed very scary.:eek:
Most of the one's I've seen are from hockey..The worst was probably Trent McCleary getting hit in the throat while trying to block a slapshot..

When I was into wrestling...I was watching WCW and they showed Sid Vicious getting a compound fracture...it was nasty...
I don't really watch sports and havent seen any injuries, except for the time my sister was playing football. She slipped and broke her arm so bad she ruptured a nerve. At least she didnt feel anything after breaking the nerve... :D Oh and now she's got a bit of metal in her arm to keep her arm straight. And she keeps setting off the metal detector at the airport.
Then was it Herman Mayer who fell in Alpine skiing and in very fast speed almost flew of the track and broke his leg very badly and they said he can never can do his sport again but a few years later he was back and winning.
Siri...was it Herman...or Christian?

I thought Hermann Maier was injured in a motorcycle accident. I remember when he flew off the course in the 1998 Winter Games, but he didn't get seriously hurt in that case.

When I was into wrestling...I was watching WCW and they showed Sid Vicious getting a compound fracture...it was nasty...

Oooh, I completely forgot about that one, that was horrific.

There is one from football(soccer) that I haven't seen but really heard about. Dave Busst, former Coventry defender, getting his leg snapped at Old Trafford. From what I heard, there was blood on the field (bone apparently went through the skin), and legendary ManU goalkeeper Peter Schmeichel ran off the field to vomit, and had to go through therapy after seeing that up close.
this was at Petco Park....Mets vs. Padres...back last month...

^ I saw that one on the sports highlights..made me cringe when I watched it. One of them used to play for the Mariners
I was watching a film on sports injuries at school. In one of the arm-wrestling contests--there were these two strong guys--the battle was strong, none of them seemed to be falling--and then suddenly...SNAP! One of their arms broke back...

Needless to say, since then, I have never...EVER arm wrestled ANYONE! Shudder.
Then was it Herman Mayer who fell in Alpine skiing and in very fast speed almost flew of the track and broke his leg very badly and they said he can never can do his sport again but a few years later he was back and winning.
Siri...was it Herman...or Christian?

I thought Hermann Maier was injured in a motorcycle accident. I remember when he flew off the course in the 1998 Winter Games, but he didn't get seriously hurt in that case.

Oh yes, that bike accident... I've seen so many fallings in Alpine skiing, I keep mixing those :lol:

Then there was one German woman, in Alpine skiing, who either fell or hit to some track-person and when it was showed in slow-motion, you could see her leg twisting.. it was icky.