Other Fandom Icons/Wallpapers

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Re: Other Fandom Icons


Thank you sooo much Rhosslynne, its grand! I adore it :D I'm going to use it in my MSN Display Picture. Hee! I love JD, so silly :)
Re: Other Fandom Icons

Some Chris Meloni icons I've had in my photobucket forever:



Edit: One letter missing from code so it didn't work. Me fixed it ;) -DaW
Re: Other Fandom Icons

How did I miss this thread, it's such a good idea. Everyone's doing awesome icons :D

HoratioAndMe, I snagged your Napoleon icons from way back on page one :D
Re: Other Fandom Icons

After reading the post, I went back and found them and snagged them too!! :lol: They're brilliant!
Re: Other Fandom Icons

:lol: Thanks for fixing my images, Ducky. Me forgot to thank you. ;)

You gals have got me digging for the rest of my Napoleon icons. Here's two:


Re: Other Fandom Icons

Palm said:
Here's 2 Nightmare Before Christmas. And One of Rick Mercer and an ipod. Because I love blue mini ipods =O


those are awesome. i'm going to borrow the first one, okay? :)
Re: Other Fandom Icons

Love the Icons everyone. Sadly I seriously suck at making icons. I was wondering if someone could make me a Icon with this Picture, and do something with it. I'd like the words My Hero. To be on it. :). Keep up the awsome icon making everyone.
Re: Other Fandom Icons

Oh, just a quick note. Please do not quote images (even those are small) just when quoting a post, remove image tags. thanks!
Re: Other Fandom Icons

I would love it somebody made me an animated icon with these three photos:




I'd like another icon but this time non-animated and just with this photo and include the words "Greek god":


You could do whatever you want but I'd love to see a heart stroke/brush incorporated in there somewhere. Thanks so much in advance!
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