Other Fandom Icons/Wallpapers

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Re: Other Fandom Icons

ahh Celine Dion love her! snagged the last one, will credit when needed, and thank you for the complimennt. :)
Re: Other Fandom Icons

you dont have to credit it you can have it.. its no problem in next few days i will make some more but put them in my LJ.
Re: Other Fandom Icons

Oh I love that Wayne's World Icon! Now I want to watch that movie lol!

And Gregishott! Those keira icons are awesome! I love the ones with her and Orlando.
Re: Other Fandom Icons


Ewan McGregor is so fine, i just had to make icons.

go check 'em out? pweez? :)
if you take any, remember to comment!
Re: Other Fandom Icons

awesome... what is that font that you use in most of them... here are some of minee... go here please

*note... password to my 'bucket is gregonly

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