Other Fandom FanArt #5-Showcase & Requests

Can some of you make me some icons, pretty please? It would be sooo appreciated! I have cookies :D


And one more thing, can you do me a signature (560x215 and then rezise it to 500x100) with the pics where Anastacia is skating? You can add any text, if you want :)
Soo sorry for being such a pain in the ass, but I am not feeling creative at the moment :lol: Thanks in advance!


A 500x200 Banner i made to spread the love of 100 Monkeys... to announce their DC date haha

a 500x200 sig of Ben Johnson <3
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Great work, everyone! :)

I made the following items using this tutorial from LJ.

no text & 140x140 (no text)

I didn't have an elliptical marquee in my PS7 for some reason, so I had to use the rectangle one. I didn't use any of the textures or coloring from the tutorial cause they didn't work for this picture.

Other Supernatural icons:

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WOW! :eek: Great job on your icons, GNRF!!!!!

What program did you use?

Thank you. :) I used Photoshop 7. For the Supernatural icons though I followed some tutorials (or at least as closely as I could lol). I forgot to post the link to the
Supernatural Tutorials List. I can't remember exactly which tutorials I used. I just played around with several of them. :lol:

I was worried about the coloring on the Alice ones cause they were from my own screencaps. And my screencaps always come out with bad coloring. I don't know if I need to adjust something within my version of VLC or if its just cause of XP or what. I didn't get a chance to make any icons on that laptop before it crashed and had to be returned, so I don't know if they'd look better color wise on Windows 7 or not. :lol:

More stuff from the Alice mini-series:

no texture
only the light texture

<~~~That's the Jack of Hearts :)

On this icon of the Queen, behind her was this red chair and the way she's standing in front of it, makes it look like she has horns... which is pretty appropriate considering she's the evil Queen. :lol:

I couldn't quite get the coloring right on this one though.

Charlie (the Knight)
The King Of Hearts
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Great work in here like always!

Could someone please make me some 140x140 icons of Sayid from Lost? Some text ideas: I'd love to be lost with Sayid , the reason I watch Lost , Sayid: The Bad-Ass, stuff like that! If you watch the show you'll know, lol! Thanks!
More stuff from the "alice" mini-series.

pink texture and no textures


Can someone please take this icon:

and make it to where only the blood on his head and neck show up? I tried, but then I got some of the skin color in there too:

so I then took the regular brush and put red coloring on it, but it still doesn't
look that great:

and if possible, could you make the blood kind of pop a bit with some sparklie brushes? I tried that, but I couldn't get it light enough and it just looked white. :lol:
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I made an attempt:

I tried to add a sparkle to the blood, but I'm not sure if it's noticable at all. :lol: I also added some contrast and darkened the blood a little to make it look more natural against the grey. I wasn't exactly sure how 'bloody' it was at the forehead as opposed to just the bruised part so I played by ear. :p If it blows, feel free to throw tomatoes. :lol:

By the way, I really LOVE your first icon at the top.
Thanks, Geni. :) That looks much better than my attempt. :lol: I couldn't get the contrast to do what I wanted. :lol:

By the way, I really LOVE your first icon at the top.

Thank you. I was surprised how that one turned out. That particular screencap had a little more color in it, so it didn't require as much adjusting. The texture (by evangelinevio of LJ ) that I used fortunately worked really well with the icon. Here's the link to that texture pack: afternoon. :)

More Alice icons:

2 and 3
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Thanks, csifann1. I've been looking at some tutorials and stuff and learning some new techniques. :) I still have a bit of trouble with the coloring of some though cause my screencaps just come out looking very dull sometimes. :lol: That makes them a bit harder to color. :lol:

Your animations are great! I love the purple texture/background on that last one. What program do you use to make them? All my animations (except for B&W) come out looking really grainy with Animation Shop 3. I don't really know how to fix it either. I've tried fixing the optimization thing, but it didn't help the first time I tried it and after that I haven't been able to get to where you change the optimization at. :lol:


Wolverine_Eagle, I really love your text banners. :)