Other Fandom FanArt #3: Showcase & Requests

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SpeedsDaughter said:
and a Brad Paisely for Liffy
Yay! Thanks babes! Love it :D

H2H, I love your third Jimmy Johnson icon. Very well done.

To everyone else, very awesome stuff :thumbsup: (Nice wallpaper kaylyne)

I have more HP icons (are there any fans here? :( ) They're from OotP, Enjoy. :)

I like Tim McGraw's hat... it's a nice hat. :guffaw:

No icons right now, check back later. :lol:

Yes his hats cool too

* Wanders off to work * :(

Sorry about that but you made some pretty awesome icons after that! :D

*runs away with Brad's Hat on*
*cough*fake*cough* :D

I have Brad's hat.

:rolleyes: Fine you have it! I don't want it anywayz :p

One border terrier for Jodie and a Brad Paisely for Liffy.

And don't worry H2H, I've got some Dale Jr. for you in a bit. :lol:

Hey where's the love?! what about me?! no prezzies for Sophia :( *sighs*

I have more HP icons (are there any fans here? :( ) They're from OotP, Enjoy. :)

YAY! HP icons *snags* thanks Liffy! :D

My icons for now:

Enjoy! :)
Wow so many icons to comment one! I like them all a lot, great job all! :D

Here are two that i made for a challenge on LJ. The theme was sacrifice, and the first one won second place.


^Oh I especially love the second icon of the chess pieces Sara. Very nice. :)

I've got more Harry Potter (OotP) icons :) I just seem to be in that mood for some odd reason. :eek:

Lovely icon SpeedsDaughter

+ Random Icons that I think will make just about everyone happy + ;)


I'll take Justin's hat up there :p lol

* Oh by the way guys, if you want you can call me Nikky, or H2H, whichever you like, I'm not picky * :)
*squee* Tim McGraw! :lol:

That is a pretty cool hat Nikky! Though I'll stick with Tim's... Jodie & Liffy can have Brad's if they want. Unless Sophia wants one too... Poor Brad. :guffaw:
I love the Tim and Faith icon as well as the carries icons, H2H :)

And to help everyone this summer here are some palm tree icons.



*squee* Tim McGraw! :lol:

That is a pretty cool hat Nikky! Though I'll stick with Tim's... Jodie & Liffy can have Brad's if they want. Unless Sophia wants one too... Poor Brad. :guffaw:
Nope I'd rather have Justin's! :p

+ Random Icons that I think will make just about everyone happy + ;)

I'll take Justin's hat up there :p lol

* Oh by the way guys, if you want you can call me Nikky, or H2H, whichever you like, I'm not picky * :)

Nice icons Nikky :), love em all *snags*

I'll fight you for Justin's hat when I get back :p :guffaw:

Sorry for the delay Sophia! Here's your avvie :)

Hope ya like it!

^^Thank you :D love it babz :) (I like the way you cropped it :lol:)

Nice Icons Sara :D, definately got me in the mood for summer! :D *snag*
(p.s. I'll hopefully leave a comment on your LJ before I go :) )

My icons before I leave for a few days, I'll talk to you guys on Sunday so keep the awesome icons coming!:
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Squee!! Yay for all the Carrie icons everybody! I'm not even going to name you all because seriously, they're all gorgeous! :thumbsup:

Love the Tim&Faith icons Nikky, even though I find Faith more annoying that not :lol: And I LOVE the second Carrie icon of your last batch. Lovely work :D

Soph, love the first one^ looks like she's frolicking in the field. :lol:

It's approaching winter where I live, so I should go make some winter icons :D
Love the Tim&Faith icons Nikky, even though I find Faith more annoying that not And I LOVE the second Carrie icon of your last batch. Lovely work

Umm that's actually Taylor Swift I just liked the picture, I don't really like her :lol:

+ Dale Earnhardt Jr Icons +


I'm not the best at making signatures in the size that we use on talk, the other sites that I'm active on have larger ones. I need some advice for this one...


So, good, bad?

I'll fight you for Justin's hat when I get back :p :guffaw:

No worries, I'll share :p Or maybe I'll just stick with Junior's helmet :lol:
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