Orgy in the break room! Bring all your characters!!

Woha! *pulls handcuff keys out of bra and unlocks the handcuff from Sara's wrist* Have fun babes. I'll take you later. Okay okay, iluvEricSzmanda you can have greg. Anyone seen Mac, Jim and Horatio??????? I want to take them to bed with me tonight! Its kinda cold here in Canada and well i need some people to keep me warm :devil:
muahhahaha! :devil: Greg has asked me to come and play! :devil: I have no idea when we'll be back....Greg likes to take things slow :devil: toodles! *scurries off w/ Greg*
Haha! Found you three (Jim, Horatio, Mac)
Okay, :devil:
Mmm, *smacks Mac's hands* Later babe, wait tell we get to my place.
Okay Horatio you can bring your gun.
Yes Jim.

Okay guys i will be back tomorrow with these three. Hey iluvEricSzmanda Save some Greg for me i havent had him yet!
Hey?! *is grabbed away with Sara'' forensicsgirl I'm still cuffed to Sara and she *looks at Sara* kindda lost the key... Guess you're stuck with both of us then I'm not leaving her side *hugs Sara* :devil:
(omg athena i LOVE your little RAR icon!)
uh oh... i can't find anymore jello... where'd it go??
Ah well, there's always the chocolate over in the corner...
Come on, Danny, make like a fondue set :devil:
*almost goes into diabetic shock but doesn't care*
*come back* Uh anyone find the key to the handcuffs? I mean im kinda stuck to Mac. Hey WHERE'S all the JELLO?!?! Did we just make some? *smacks Mac's hands* now now... keep off. Okay where is Stella? *pulls mac over to the hot tub* There you are, and Catherine. *grabbs the two* Okay they are coming with me... who wants to join? :devil:
Yay! Grissom and Cath brought PAFCON outfits!

Dibs on the tiger! Grrr baby, very grr! (spoken like Austin Powers :p)


YAY!!!! Part two of CSI:Thongs is now posted!
Damn Catherine is good... okay someone can have her. Im worn out. Anyone find the keys to the handcuffs *holds up hand which pulls up Mac's* Hey... wow those are some noises coming from greg...
Okay where is Danny???? and Lindsay(ny)
Danny's with me and Aiden over here makin' some more Jello... though it might be awhile. We're kinda not making much progress; we're "otherwise occupied"

and i didn't know lindsay was invited.
mmmmmmm, okay, come on mac lets go find Lindsay, *pulls him around* Jello? Cherry or Strawberry?