Organ Donation

allmaple said:
what eye thing Ducky? you cant donate eyes, just corneas.

:lol: :lol: That's what I meant. I just didn't know the word in English and didn't bother to check dictionary :p It's called 'sarveiskalvo' in Finnish :p
I want to be a donor so much, but I can’t, because I got sick with hepatitis, when I was 3yrs old :( It’s not fair…
I checked the box on my drivers license to be one. I've made it very clear to everyone that knows me that that's my wish.

I don't need anything once I die, take everything they need.

I can't donate blood. 1. Anemic. 2. I'm scared of needles.
My dad had to have his corneas replaced. Not at the same time. He received one from a guy that died in CA from a motorcycle accident. My dad lives in MD. He has the same eye disease that Mandy Patinkin has (keratoconus).
I have always donated blood your body just makes more and you never know when people will need it. So its easy. And once I could drive I put on my drivers license that I would donate my organs. You never know who you will help. ;)
I signed up to the organ donor register when I was 18, my mum asked me & my brother if we wanted to as she was signing up. You never know when a loved one might need an organ or blood.. and in my mind, you don't need your body once you're dead.. (plus I assume I'll be cremated like everyone else in my family). I've also started donating blood again (no reason other than lazyness why I took a 6 year break)..
In the UK when you register with a Doctor (ie if you move practices etc) you get a form to fill in for organ donation then, so I've made sure my other half knows my wishes as well
DaWacko said:
Our system is Sweden's system :p Meh, we basicly have same system in everything :lol:

Everywhere, during the summer,they are out of blood and the link I posted before, looks like they have little of my blood type (A+) and I feel bad that I cannot help

I have to say that in organ donation that eye-thing donation creeps me out a bit.

Could be that Sweden used to "own" Finland for a while back in history :lol:. Ah well, great minds think alike. :D

It sucks thta we can't donate blood. :( Children and teenagers should be prime candidates for blood donation. With all the ice cream and food we are eating over the summer. :D But seriously, during the summer, we are free, our parents are not. We do not stress over Midsummer or vacation. and as children, we are in better condition. It sucks. :(

Sarveiskalvo ? In Swedish that is Hornhinna :lol: