Organ Donation

I still haven't decided if I'm going to donate my organs or not. I'm 17, so in a year I'll be deciding, but I guess I should talk to my mom about it first. Right now, I'm leaning towards donating, but it could go either way. My mom's opinion means a lot, so we'll have to see how it goes.
Im a oragn donar and im donating my body to a medical school near where I live. I want to be cremated any way so i figure why not let someone who needs my organs have them, a well as letting other learn sothing form my corspe.
if i could i would definately be a donor-but i can' my country it's a big problem to find a donor. i really don't know what happened with people. when i was in hospital i saw many people who needed new organ but doctors said that it's immpossible. i saw it too many times! it's such a horrible thing to see sadness in those people eyes. really.
Wyoming said:
Right now, I'm leaning towards donating, but it could go either way. My mom's opinion means a lot, so we'll have to see how it goes.

My mother is an organ donator so she doesn't mind really. Dad couldn't care any less, unfortantely :(. But the rest of my family could be a problem. I love my grandparents, but sometimes they are just too much. I do not think grandma would approve of donating everything. But my body, my choice.

OT: I love your avatar BTW! ;)

MsCatherineWillows , I guess "going how far?" has to do if your wanting a cremation or a burial. I don't know. I know that if I am cremated, I do not want my ashes spread in the wind. What if somebody inhales the ashes! :eek: not impossible, and technically, that would make him/her a cannibal.

Soo, feed me to the bugs, I want a burial! Those poor poor bugs needs some excitement in their lives! :D
What if somebody inhales the ashes! :eek: not impossible, and technically, that would make him/her a cannibal.

Soo, feed me to the bugs, I want a burial! Those poor poor bugs needs some excitement in their lives! :D

:lol: :lol:

Well, I agree, I want my mum to be buried so I can go visit her grave, but she doesnt want that..
I personally will give everything I have, once your dead you wont need it, so I dont see why more people dont do it. :)
Alien_from_Mars said:
:lol: :lol:

Well, I agree, I want my mum to be buried so I can go visit her grave, but she doesnt want that..
I personally will give everything I have, once your dead you wont need it, so I dont see why more people dont do it. :)

Also one reasoning for being buried is: In a few thousands/hundreds years, the Earth will probably self-destruct and our ashes will be blown out into space. At that time I am a part of the earth!

Back to organ donation; I'm not getting my new logg book until school starts again, so I have a lot of time to prepare that card I am writing. I just do not know really what to write? What about you who are donors? Does your card say anything about what you are donation or what? I just really need some tips.
If I happen to die befre it's my time to go they can take whatever is needed to save another life.

In reference to your question, ElinWaffle, here in America on our drivers licsenses there are boxes to check on what we are willing to gie, wheather it be all the organs or certian ones.
Springmoon said: Really, Destiny? That has happened in Ohio? It seems wildly unethical to me, and those hospitals are just asking for a massive lawsuit.
I've heard old news on it, but around here we have a nick-names for the hospitals such as the "Bandaide Station", "Clown Memorial" etc. course thats the one about 10 mins from me. These guys do NOT know what they are doing, I swear you get more education from a cracker jack box. I could tell you stories about that hospital that would frighten you more then the scariest horror movie.

My brother wanted to be an organ donor when he died in 1994 but they claimed that he had been off the machine too long, now skip to 2005 and our mother passes away and the same length of time if not longer and they are on the phone wanting to know if "WE" would like to donate her organs, not whether or not "SHE" did. :lol: Top it off the hospital is the one that alerted them to my mother passing away, without asking us before doing so, I swear if there is time to phone them, there is time to ask us.

As to the hospital and lawsuits, oh I am sure they have been threatened and I think gosh along time back they were hit with one or two. Now people they tend to say oh well consider the fact that we were not bright enough to go to a real hospital lol (we don't consider it a real hospital even though the state does), heck they have been through 3 names in oh five maybe six years. Whats that tell you.

As to them doing that for the organs, I don't know if its true with my local ones, just some stories I heard and my aunts fear, which I can't blame her on.
When I turned 18 I recieved the whole information thing about becoming an organ donor. Somehow it didn't feel right back than so I didn't do anything with it. When I turned 19 I recieved it again and than I started to think about it. Eventually I filled the whole thing in when I was 20 so it took me two years to make up my mind! I had talked it over with my girlfriend at the time and with my parents. My girlfriend had also recieved it so we did it together.

At this point I have agreed that they can take whatever they want unless my family agrees. That was what felt best for me back than. Now I am not so sure cause I want so help others with my organs. And my dad and my sister support that and they say that if I die they will allow the doctors to take it. But my mom doesn't support it. So she will not respect my wish. That's why I am considering changing. And just say that they can take whatever they want without discussing it with the family. Its not the family who makes that decision. In my case, its my choice. And I don't want my mom to be the one to stop that.
wolfesgamergirl said:
In reference to your question, ElinWaffle, here in America on our drivers licsenses there are boxes to check on what we are willing to gie, wheather it be all the organs or certian ones.

Thanks! In Sweden we only have a donation card which my mother carries in her wallet together with her driver's licence. Sounds very flexible for those donors who often rides in cars.

I want to donate all internal organs (well, I'm not donating a liver if I'm having liver problems or such.) along with some skin. Depending on my age though. If I'd die now I guess I'd donate more than I would otherwise when I am old.
I'm only 15 right now, but ever since I was in 4th grade and the American Red Cross visited our school and talked about organ donations, blood donations, etc. I wanted to. They gave us a fake paper card that simulated an organ donor card. I checked that I wanted to be a donor and signed it, as if it were the real thing, and put it in my bag, feeling very happy. When my mom checked my bag that night, she got angry that I checked I wanted to be an organ donor. I just stayed quiet and threw the card away like she said to do, I guess because I didn't know the difference. And now I still don't understand what her problem with organ donations are about. My uncle died two years ago from cancer, and it really bothers me that nobody is a donor in my family. No one donates blood or organs and it's disturbing since my great-grandmother is ailing from lung infections among other things and my grandfather's heart is ready to give way any day now. People's lives could be saved by your organs. Especially if you're dead and not using the organs, I don't see the fuss about donating. You won't need them later on.

I feel it's very important to donate. I'm a generous person and I'd like to think I'm a kind person and I want to help anyone and everyone that I humanly can. When I turn 18, I'm going right after school to register to be an organ donater. Something tragic and fatal could happen to me tomorrow and I know somewhere, somebody could use my healthy organs.
ButterFlied92 : Hi there! I feel jealous that you had people coming over to talk to you abot organ donation. That would never happen in Sweden, not in my school at least.

We have...what, 3 -2 years before we get to decide? I hope your mother comes around. :( Tell her it is your body and that you're entitled to do whatever you want to with it when you turn 18 (or is it different in the US?).

My mother doesn't object, she is currently talking about giving blood during the summer, since the hospitals are out (yes, they're out of blood :(). But that would require a lot of testing which could take years.
Our system is Sweden's system :p Meh, we basicly have same system in everything :lol:

Everywhere, during the summer,they are out of blood and the link I posted before, looks like they have little of my blood type (A+) and I feel bad that I cannot help

I have to say that in organ donation that eye-thing donation creeps me out a bit.
what eye thing Ducky? you cant donate eyes, just corneas.

i signed my donor card the day it came in the mail with my first drivers license. whatever happens to me after i die i wont need my organs and tissues, so they can go to someone who does.

i remember in the paper while we were on vacation last year there was a woman that died in a car accident. and her organs, skin, tissue, bone, even ligaments and tendons went to dozens of people. if my body can save or improve the lives of dozens of people that would be amazing. im not sure why people are against organ or blood donation.
I found my organ donor card the other day in my wallet (I thought I'd lost it), when I signed up there was a number of different options you could choose depending on whether you wanted to donate everything or just limit it to certain things, seems odd to me, once you're dead what does it really matter? In the UK I believe it is still the case that your next of kin has to agree to the donation regardless of whether you have signed up as a donor. Again, this seems a bit ridiculous but I guess it means that you should make sure that you convey your wishes to your next of kin so they can make the right choice. And by signing up at least you are, hopefully, making the choice easier for them at what would be a very difficult time.

Personally, I would be an advocate of an opt-out system rather than the current opt-in approach that we have in the UK. I'm sure there are many more people willing to donate or not really bothered either way than we think, and if people had to actively opt out then it would at least encourage some positive discussion of the issues and bring organ donation to the attention of the public, as I'm sure it's not something people like to think about very often. :)

What could be a better end to a life than the thought that you could be saving someone else's?