Organ Donation


What's your opinion about organ donation. Are you already a donor or will you donate your organs after you die. What's a good way to increase the number of donors.

Let's discuss it.
I think that organ donation is extremely important! I'm 16 now and have wanted to be an organ donor since I was 7. Since I'm not technically old enough to sign a donor card, I've made it clear to my parents that I want to donate my organs. I figure, once you're dead, what use do you have for your organs? Even when I'm alive, if I find out that I'm a match to someone in need, I'd donate organs that you have two of (kidneys, lungs) or regenerate (part of your liver - it can return back to its full size in two months!). As far as increasing the number of donors, I'd say that awareness is key. I think too many useful organs go to waste simply because people never think about signing a donor card.

That's my take - the day I turn 18, I'll be signing a donor card, and I'm encouraging my sister to do the same.
Oh yeah, I've been planning to have that card. I mean, I don't have use for my organs after I die so why not to give those to someone who needs. Tho I think my lungs are not the best ones but others are in wonderful shape.

I am amazed that they don't campagne more. Just read from website that 18% of Finns have organ donation card.
I've got a donor card! I drive my car every day, do sport, have a risky job (well, at least that's what the insurance company says - imho it's not more dangerous than most of the other jobs)... What's the use in keeping your organs when you're dead while others need them to stay alive? Imho everyone should have such a card. That does not mean that I expect everyone to donate because there might be reasons against it (religion, maybe). But (at least in Germany) you can also mark that you do not want to donate your organs, and this means that your parents/ family don't have to make this difficult decision when you're dead, and I think that's only fair. I don't want to get into a situation in which I have to decide that.
I am just 15 years old, but I am defiently going to become an organ donor! actually, I think it sucks that I can't even get the card at this age or even to give blood. I could die anytime today on my way to school and it would be such a waste not to donate my organs. My mother, who is a donor, knows that I want to donate so I guess that if anything happens and I'm comatose or something like that, she is going to donate my organs.

A lot of people in my agegroup are also intrested in giving blood and maybe donate organs. It sucks that we can't, since in Sweden we often cancel operations because there is not enough blood.

A girl at my school had a form of servere rheumatism and had a stem-cell transplantation on Christmas, and she died due to complications. That has made me want to, if I ever, ever have an abortion, to donate cells. (or what it is called).

Just an intresting question: How far are you willing to go? ow much of your body are you going to donate? Eyes, heart, skin etc?
I'm a donor, not just organs, but blood too. My country counts with a very good perent of donators, but there is always more needes.

I've been a organ donor for 2 years. I have my card besides my driving license, and also have a key chain with the key of my car indicating that I'm a donor. The reason why I have it all around my car is because I'm always driving and it's the riskiest activity that I do.

The reason why I became a donor is simple. Since I started giving blood I began to get interest in giving my organs when i don't need them. My aunt getting sick and receiving a kidney made me give the last step. Unfortunately, she died after, but she got a few months out of the dialisis and she was really happy. Now my father has a kidney cancer, and what really bothers me I'm the only one in my family that is a donor.
By now I've decided that I'd donate everything. maybe they'll come a day when I change it, but not now.
I decided to become a donor very early, but never had a card. Then I got one and well, I've been carrying it with me ever since behind my ID.
I'd definitely donate as much as I could. Well, considering I'm not still alive when the donations are taking place. :lol: (Unless it was a lung or kidney, etc)

I think my family knows that I'd want to donate my organs when I pass. (God forbid un-naturally) I'd be okay with anyone using parts of me that could function pefectly fine in another person. Besides, I've always found the prospect very interesting. One of the ultimate things you could give a person, especially a stranger, is a part of yourself that could undoubtely save their live. I'm all for it. :)
My aunt (before she passed) refuse to be a donor, and my counsins also refuse, not because they don't want to give, but because of what they have heard in the news. It started with my aunt really. She was afraid that if she was brought in to the ER in serious condition (ie she had CHF 'Congestive Heart Failure'.) between what she heard and what was going through her head she felt that if the ER knew ahead of time that she was a donor they wouldn't do as much to save her but rather let her pass for her organs.

Me I don't know While I have a donor stamp on my license (which I wasn't asked about it was just put there, they are suppost to ask). Granted I won't be using my organs, and its possible that I could be helpful. But then I hear things such as my aunt did (and knowing the er's around here..Umm yeah) not to mention the wondering if I donate my organ to say a recovering drinker (ie a liver) then instead of appreciating the gift of having a life they abuse it by saying "ahh its new I can drink again".

I see both sides of the fence its just something I have to think about, until then my family knows of my indecision, I know they have screening processes but you hear the stories and news and well I would rather be sure (which I can't be nothing is guarenteed), until then I sit on the fence and keep researching it all.
Id donate everything I could! If it could help anyone out, then sure. I dont mind. Its not like I will need it anymore!
Although I can understand why families may not like it.
If your parent dies and you see they are missing an eye ball or something when you go see their body. :confused:
Really, Destiny? That has happened in Ohio? It seems wildly unethical to me, and those hospitals are just asking for a massive lawsuit.

I donate blood when I can (I am severely anemic and have to prepare in advance by loading up on lots of iron supplements) and have been an organ donor since I got my driver's license. I think it's really important to be an organ donor because a: I'm not really going to be using them after I die; b: So many other people die because there aren't enough to go around; and, c: as a minority in the U.S., the shortage of organs is especially drastic.
I'd donate blood if I could :p I am (always been) anemic as well and it should be at least 125 before you can donate. With luck I could get there.

We have Red Cross Blood Donation webpage, where you can easily see what type of blood is needed. I don't know if other countries Red Cross have this thing...
I've been an organ donar since i was 18. I think that it is important that you do whatever you can to save someones life, and since you're dead it's not like you're going to need it. I also donate blood as often as i can, which ok has only been twice so far, but i'm planning on doing it as much as i can in the following year. Next summer i'm giong to Africa and so won't be able to donate for a year after that.
Destiny said:
But then I hear things such as my aunt did (and knowing the er's around here..Umm yeah) not to mention the wondering if I donate my organ to say a recovering drinker (ie a liver) then instead of appreciating the gift of having a life they abuse it by saying "ahh its new I can drink again".

Actually, this is also one of my major fears about organ donation. I'd hate to give away organs that will go to waste. but then again I can't live on the assumption that an alcohlist may recieve my organ. Organ dontation is about sharing and saving lives. To refuse liver transplatations to a dying man just because he is an alcohlist, goes against that. I'd save his life for the time being and hopefully he'll take better care of himself in the future.

But I can understand it at the same time.

I'm going to write down everything I want to donate on a special card to keep in my logg book (school-timeplanner) just in case. I know it is my parents who essentially have the final say since I am so young, but it would be nice to have a say in that matter.

I'll post it when I am finished.