One on One challenges! Challenge #12 ~ Results Up!

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Re: One on One challenges! Challenge #4 ~Time To Join!

I might challenge you aswell. Just let me know if you are being challenged by cathwillows already ;)
Re: One on One challenges! Challenge #4 ~Time To Join!

For me it's ok challenging one,another or both of you.Just let me know. :)
Re: One on One challenges! Challenge #4 ~Time To Join!

...Saw the other entries and this seems interesting so I guess I could take a challenge if you still need one. *gulp*
Re: One on One challenges! Challenge #4 ~Time To Join!

Sorry,I'm a rookie on this kind of challenges and I'm just learning how it goes,so Dardeile if you don't have anyone to challenge you I'll be glad to do it,but if you already have someone to challenge you I'll challenge cathwillows (she already has a challenge). :)
Re: One on One challenges! Challenge #4 ~Time To Join!

OK, is there anybody else who wants to join this challenge? There's still one challenge place left for this round and I'll accept your participation and icons till tomorrow (Monday, 2nd July), 6pm GMT, cause I have an upcoming test and won't be able to send all the icons to Chloe before that due time.
Re: One on One challenges! Challenge #4 ~Time To Join!

i love to enter Cinegirl but i dont know who hasn't some challengesd yet.. (bad english sorry) So count me and let me know..
Re: One on One challenges! Challenge #4 ~Time To Join!

Hm, sorry Berylla_Nienna I don't know either, but perhaps just pm Hormiga, Hestia or Dardeile :)
Re: One on One challenges! Challenge #4 ~Time To Join!

Berylla Nienna, you should challenge Hormiga. PM her, otherwise she'll challenge someone who already has a partner. (I can join in next time) :)
Re: One on One challenges! Challenge #4 ~Time To Join!

Hey everybody! I'm back from the most exhausting and best week of my life (being camp staff sure does that to you! :lol:) I'm honestly exhausted right now, I can hardly keep my eyes open! :lol:

Here be the entries, mateys...

Challenge A
Restrictions: No text (tiny text is okay)


Challenge B
Restrictions: None


Challenge C
Restrictions: None


Challenge D
Restrictions: None


Challenge E
Restrictions: None


Please vote only once, and vote for your favourite icon in each challenge. Structure your votes like this (or something very similar):

V 7
W 8
X 8
Y 8
Z 7

Happy voting, and good luck to all! :D
Re: One on One challenges! Challenge #4 ~Time To Join!

A 2
B 1
C 1
D 2
E 2

Great job everyone! :D
Re: One on One challenges! Challenge #4 ~Time To Join!

A: 2 (I love this icon :p)
B: 2
C: 1
D: 2
E: 2

Nice job everyone!
Re: One on One challenges! Challenge #4 ~Time To Join!

Great work!

A: 2
B: 1
C: 1
D: 1
E: 1
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