NY Forum Trip to Los Angeles: Year Two!

^ Yep. Dude was elderly. Walking his rodent-sized dog. Wearing dress slacks and dress shoes. Reading a f-ing newspaper. AND NOT EVEN BREAKING A SWEAT. But these b**ches couldn't stop whining. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Actually, I think the reading and the rodent walking may have been by separate individuals, but STILL these sissies are totally pathetic.

However, I'm totally longing for a bit more relaxation than last year. I just want to chill with the girls and have no desire to rush from place to place all day. I'll be sleeping in with them.
^ :lol: :lol: :lol: That cracks me up to no end. :lol:

We can always do the hike in the late morning/early afternoon. Wouldn't want any of you to miss out on beauty sleep--so fear not, we'll schedule the hike when you can all make it. :cool: :cool: :cool:
Damnit. The elderly man with the newspaper and the chihuahua walkers were two totally different Asians, first of all. And second, they weren't RUNNING up the damn hill. They were leisurly strolling! And third--I hate hills!

I'm conditioning myself for the next hike--I've been 'fast walking' on an incline on the tredmill at the gym. :lol:
^I'm really proud that you're going to go on the hike!!! :D
I'm just trying to lose about 20 pounds before the gathering. This big beer belly I have is a big no-no.
I imagine in 7 days or so, you'll be close to halfway there. ;) :D

OK, so to get this thread hopping a bit...one of the things MrsG and I have already started discussing is the trip t-shirt this year. As most of you know, last year's t-shirt was the lovely 'Team Flack' t-shirt. :D So we want a good one for this year, too. The question is, do we want to design our own? Carmine's band, ceesau, is going to be offering t-shirts soon (if they actually get on that :lol: ) and one thing we considered was just ordering t-shirts from them as the trip t-shirt this year. Or we could do something like last year and design our own. What do you guys think? Vote in the poll and then post and let us know which you'd prefer.
Hmm, I voted for an original design because I have very little interest in Ceesau. ;) I don't actually mind and I'm sure I'll place my order for whatever design or tshirt is decided upon. Can 'Team Flack' be beaten though? It was a fantastic idea. :lol:
Springmoon said:
I'm just trying to lose about 20 pounds before the gathering. This big beer belly I have is a big no-no.
Damn it, I cannot believe how much beer you've been drinking over the past 9 months. I'd guess you've probably gained 20-30 lbs in the gut. Completely unacceptable. :lol:

Fear not, in my experience, if all you gained is baby weight, it'll be gone within a month. Half of it comes out with the baby (though you oddly don't see that immediately drop-off due to all the damn fluids they pump you with at the hospital) and the rest is fluid of varying kinds that you can flush out of your body quickly by drinking a ton of water. You'll be back to normal before you know it -- just a tired, more cranky version of your former self. :lol:

Sorry, got sidetracked by the baby talk. I actually intended to post about the t-shirts, but got distracted. I voted for the Ceesau one, but am absolutely on-board for whatever we go with. As an alternative to that, designing a Danny/Flack shirt could be fun. Though we do have to bear in mind that if we did that we might want to stick with just black and white imaging because once you throw a variety of colors into the mix, the price goes up exponentially.
I didn't vote because I'll gladly buy--and wear--either one. I'm not really keeping track of the Cessau thing (and yes, I have yet to listen to the song on MySpace--*gasp*, I know! :p), but I'm not opposed to wearing a shirt with the name on it. And I'm definitely okay with an original saying as well. :)

ETA: LOL, it looks like Deb and Elsie are the only votes so far anyway. :p It's dead even at this point. ;)

Also, if we came up with an idea for an original shirt, I'd personally still be willing to buy a Cessau shirt to wear at some point as well--anything to support one of our guys. ;)
Faylinn said:
Also, if we came up with an idea for an original shirt, I'd personally still be willing to buy a Cessau shirt to wear at some point as well--anything to support one of our guys. ;)

Yeah, so would I actually, and it would be nice to show some support for Ceesau, even if I'm not a huge fan. The idea of a Danny/Flack one is great and would be a lovely souvenir of the trip, although to be honest I'd probably be much more likely to wear a Ceesau one again. :lol: Apart from that night in LA, I've yet to wear the 'Team Flack' one outside of my house. ;)
I voted for an original design. As much as I'll probably be buying a Ceesau shirt anyway, I like the idea of an original design commemorating our little gathering!