Lab Technician
I'm not as excited anymore because I feel as if they have changed it to much.In the beginning it was all about the crimes and solving them and getting things done.Brain boglers as you followed along.It seems it has turned in to a bit of a soap opera.I dunno maybe I'm losing my mind or I'm on the wrong train of thought.I was a huge GSR fan but the whole Sara getting kidnapped and him proposing was a little to much for me.It kinda killed my buzz if you would.I'm a multi shipper and I mean when Catherine got Jealous about Warrick getting married and all is suppose to be expected right.I don't get the whole Sara leaving thing either.That was another thing that kinda made me lose interest.Sara was a main character.As soon as they start taking out main characters the show begins to lose it's pazazz.I gues what I'm getting at is it would be better if it was just plain solving crimes and not who's gonna marry who.