-Bet it's a drill. Oh, look, I was right.
-I do love the team making Riley pay for food since she missed the shot. :lol:
-Aww. Greg with the mourning dad. I really like this scene.
-I love that Riley calls Catherine "boss". It's so unusual on this show to hear that.
-Hodges, you are not Archie. :lol:
-"There is more to life than work. That's a lesson I learned from your predecessor." I love Catherine's double-take.
-Coincidence. We here at CSI don't like the word.
-I like that Riley kind of looks like she's slightly embarrassed for not thinking to call the number.
-"You start carrying a gun, you can lead next time." People usually regret things like that. At least, they do in horror movies. XD
-Wouldn't the phone not be ringing? It looked like Riley put her phone away.
-"Do you have to do this very often?" "It's not part of my job." "Thank you."
-Product placement. Never subtle, are we?
-*whisper* "Riley!" Not a good sign.
-I really love Riley's look at the guy with the gun. It's almost like "Really?"
-"We're lab techs, we don't carry guns." Oh, that's going to be the thing that gets you bashed in the head, isn't it?
-Hee. Callbacks to the beginning of the episode.
-I really love take-charge Greg.
-Cousin might be a bit stupid for the hostage-taking, but he's smart enough to know that the best way to ensure things with two people is to hold one of them at gun point while the other does something. That sounds like mumbling nonsense, doesn't it?
-Riley is pretty cool under pressure. And when you can tell her head probably hurts.
-I love how both of them look up like "Oh crap". I also love how Riley flinches.
-Riley's, like, death-glaring the guy. She's not happy.
-Nick is very second-in-command. I like it.
-Hee, signals. This is a very signal-heavy episode.
-Those white suit-things are extremely convenient. I'm guessing that it's hiding her weapon. Anyone that's read a Jefferey Deaver book knows that it's best to keep your gun outside of the suit.
-Catherine and Nick take charge when it comes to their team. And the cops let them do it.
-Oh, okay. It's not covered. Good. Smart.
-Nice. I love how "Give me the gun, or he dies" is implied.
-"He doesn't have to be a lost cause." And Ray still has faith in young suspects, because he hasn't been jaded by the job yet.
-I love that Riley just has an ice pack to her head. On Criminal Minds she'd be sitting in the back of an ambulance, because they're very particular about concussions, I guess. *laughs*
Overall, I liked the episode. I liked that it was really a typical "character in danger" episode. There was no big running-into-the-building-to-save-the-day scene, and I felt that it worked that way. If I was grading, I'd say an A.