Nick & Sofia #2 -- It's Sonic Good!


Lab Technician
No one else was around, so I thought I'd start the thread. I hope no one minds.

Here's a couple of pictures of our favorite couple.



:D Yay! New thread! The thread name I voted for also won. :) Great pics! One of the best moments of season 6!

Nope, don't mind that you started the thread at all! I tried to hang around to start it, but I had to work. Boo work.

I've got some goodies for the new thread.

A couple of banners. . .



And Sonic hotness in the form of video. Ride - Nick/Sofia
Congrats on the new Nick/Sofia thread :D

those are really cute pics ;)

I loved them in Shooting Stars
His smile is so cute
If anyone is in doubt of this ship, they should watch Shooting Stars. There's no doubt in my mind that he totally fancies her just watching that scene.

I'm in a great Sonic mood today. I think I'm gonna write a fic.
ohhh awesome
a new thread
and pictures to start us off with
and let us know about the fic
if you write it, i want to read it please
I was out of town and now I’m back and I’m so glad to see that we have new thread! Yey! I love these SS pictures so much and Skylar you are so right, I think that the vet scene says it all. Thanks for banners edog! Love them! Thanks for sharing.
BTW what do you guys think how Nick’s proposal would be like (if you think they’ll marry someday). Who would make first move and where? Maybe you have already talked about this here.
Well I entered the CSI50 challenge at LJ, so I have to write 50 Nick/Sofia stories. I wrote 3 so far, I still have to write 46 more. Inspiration hasn't stricken me lately, though.

I think it could go both ways. I could see Sofia making the first move but I could see Nick making it, too. But I don't know, I get the feeling that most likely it would be Sofia, cause it sure is taken Nick a sweet ass time.
IMO they both are marrying kind and for some reason I could see Sofia making first move. I’m going to read your SoNic FF as soon as I have a little bit more time. Does anybody know anything about Louise/Sofia is she staying? I’m dying here!
I'm dying, too. No one seems to know! Everyone's so focused on what will happen to Sara that nobody is saying anything about Sofia. I don't care about Sara! I wanna know if Louise is coming back or not, dammit.

I'll let you guys know when I finish the fics.
I'm a huge Sara fan, but even I would like to know a little bit more about the other characters. Seems they have info on the main cast, which should include LL since she's listed in the credits, but still nothing out on whether she's staying.

Frustrating, to say the least.

Oh and please do post a notice about your fics _____Skylar! I've really enjoyed the first three. =)
I hope it's not OT.
I've made some SoNic music videos and I've used 'A Girl Like You' by Edwin Collins and 'Wonderwall (awesome remix)' by Oasis. I'm wondering what songs might suit for SoNic as well. If you have any ideas maybe you can recommend something?
Skylar, I just read Live & Off The Record and I love it so much! It's amazing! It made my day!
Where are your music videos? =) Did you post them in the music video tread?

It's a rare treat to find a Sonic video. :)
I just heard Sofia is in episode 7 (or was it 8?) and it made me so happy. SOFIA!!

There's a few music videos over at You Tube. I haven't seen that many of them, though. Maybe one or two. I'd like to learn how to make videos, but I really don't need to spend more time online.
All of my videos are on YouTube. If I remember right I cannot link them cause it's against board rules. Links to them are on my homepage too so I hope moderators won't delete this link cause it isn't direct link to my videos.

I'm not sure that if I would give keywords, all my videos appear. If this link wouldn't work, I'll figure something out.

I've done these videos more like for myself. And when you see them you'll realize that I'm not good at making music videos.

edited to remove link.
Yay! Episode 7! Good to hear!

catheline, thanks for the link! I really loved each video! Nice choice of music!