Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It!!

Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

I can't breathe! Oh - My - Gawd! I have never technically had the breath knocked out of me when seeing a pic of a celeb . . . until now. *giggles* Remember the porno 'stash? Well, that was still horrible, but the facial hair he has going on right now - beyond yummy! The man redefines the words "smokin' hot!" :)

That picture is giving me some not so PG-13 rated fic ideas for Snickers . . . *thud*
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

Well I write oneshots all the time that never see the light of day. As for chapter fics... well I have a bad habit of posting them before I'm ready. So... I'm not going to do that again. I want things to start being a lot better. So unless I tip into the world of oneshots again, which I might, you probably won't see much new stuff from me for a while. I do write a lot of fics... and have a lot going right now. But I want to finish some things before I start posting any more. It'll be better in the long run because I'll have a lot more completed work.

I do write a lot of oneshots though. I like them.

I almost did a bad thing last night. I mean.... I'm sure you all know that my love of Warrick far far far overshadowes my love of Nick. But... I love Nick... a lot. Last night, however, I almost dabbled into the world of infadelity. I seriously thought that I was falling for Danny Messer... like way more than Warrick and Nick put together.

But... Nicky's still my main msqueeze. I may have an undying faith in Warrick but at the end of the day it's Nicky's bones that I want to jump.

And YES! That facial hair does look good on him. VERY GOOD.
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

csiemily said:
I think we should get into the business you guys. We could take over for the WGA!

ROFL, totally. *grabs cell phone* Hello, CBS? I hear you're in need of some writers... :lol:

LLK, join the club. I've got the same nasty habit of posting too soon. It's not like I plan to do that, it just happens. I get over excited about a fic. And then of course when you're reading fics that haven't been updated in just as long you can't really get angry 'cause that would be hypocritical. :rolleyes:

Meg, nobody's done a fic starting at the end of You've Got Male?! Seriously? I would have thought there'd be like, ten of them. So much Snickers potential...

NicknGrissom thanks for those pics. Now I just have to find that fan of mine...

Em, I've been looking for Dead Doll clips too. It doesn't make sense that nobody's got them. Don't clips usually surface a few weeks after it airs?? I hope we don't have to wait until the season 8 DVD comes out.
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

Lib - I think there have been one-shots done for the ending of You've Got Male . . . I just meant, 'why couldn't the writers have left that scene in the show, rather than leaving it on the cutting room floor . . .?' . . .

I'm surprised that there aren't more Dead Doll clips either . . . maybe if I can get the episode I have on tape somehow transfered to my computer, I can make some clips for you ladies . . . it'll probably take a long time to figure out though.
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

OMGOODNESS!! WOOOW!!! NICKNGRIS... I LOVE YOU!! those pics are soooo hot! :):):):):):):) george eads... you are so FREAKEN hot!!!:):)

and the pics from dead doll are ADORABLE! but.. i kinda ment like.. video clips:p lol! but... i can ALWAYS look at pics of nick being sara's hero!:)

omgoodnes... did you guys watch thursday's episode? woow... i had to put the tv on mute when they showed the dogs fighting. i can't believe they DO that?!

BUT BUT BUT!! I NOTICED SOME 'SNICKERS'!:) ok, it wasn't hardcore snickers but just thought it kinda ment something. we all know that sara's a vegetarian and takes animal cruelty cases personaly. well, didn't you notice our little nicky starting to get upset and making it more personal? i DEFINATLY noticed that. that's right... sara infulenced nick's life!! lmao.

ok.. it wasn't that big of a snickers moment... maybe you couldn't really call it a 'moment', but i thought it was cute!:) lmao.
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

Giiirl Nicky loves dogs. That's one of his charming sexy qualities! I mean that's why I've always wanted him!

But yes that's adorable. He was all worried aobut it because his Sara-kins rubbed off on him.

Can you imagine how she would have reacted seeing that? I know that I personally probably would have start poppin some major caps in them bastards' asses.
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

Nicky is definitely hot, but the hotness scale goes through the roof when he's dealing with kids and animals. I remember that scene where the team was investigating Sam Braun's sons murder, and Nick was with the 'family' dogs who were just eating up his attention. If I'm not mistaken, those were George's dogs . . . :)
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

Oh yeah, in Burked, I remember that. *sigh* To be one of those dogs...okay did that go a little too far? :eek: ;)

Em, at this point we'll take anything in terms of a 'moment', so nice find. I have to admit I wasn't really paying attention to the episode (whoops), so I didn't spot it. But yeah...

Meg, yeah, now I remember once I saw a fic that started off at the end of You've Got Male...I just don't remember what it was called (not really in the CSI section of as much as other shows...).
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

lol, yeah:) nick looves dogs:) so adorable. he's so adorable!!!

it's so weird, everytime i watch a show (i've been addicted to the OC recently) and everytime they talk about 'we're so different... but we have to pay attention to the fact that we love each other, instead of the fact that we're different. because... i love you for you' type stuff. and whenever they say something about 'we're different', my mind goes DIRECTLY to nick and sara and grissom and sara. how nick and sara are different and that's why they work so well together, because the complete each other. and grissom and sara... how they were like dating an opposite sex of themself. yeah... nick and sara DEFINATLY work better!:)
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

i've been watching repeats on Spike and have been in my Snickers glory and crying at the same time over the missed opportunity at a wonderful ship and also how much i miss Sara. "Bully For You" is by far my fave snickers ep and it was on the other night so i freaked out lol.

i get soo mad at TPTB for not putting them together. there's something about them that looks so good.. no one gets that, everyone i know says "yeah but he's so hot and she's so ugly". i will admit that Sara is not the prettiest person but she can look good and her and Nick just have something that makes them look hot together (make sense to anyone b/c i don't even think i make sense to myself haha)

my grandma made Snickers cookies for Christmas and i laughed as i ate one lol.
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

That's something that has always pissed me off . . . Catherine has always been the sexed up female on the show, yet Sara is obviously a woman. And yet, she was down played so much. I think they pigeon holed her so much when they created the character. The character break down has "Grissom's Love Interest" at the very beginning and I think they tried to make her so much like him, that they forgot that she is not only a person who wants and needs to be loved, but a woman as well . . . sometimes that came across, but it just seemed to weird. Jorja is a beautiful woman, but there were times where they didn't do her beauty justice. I like her because she's not the conventional Malibu Barbie type, and that she has imperfections . . . the wrinkles, the gap in her teeth (which, I admit that having myself) . . .
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

I remebmer in "Primum Non Necore" and I'm sure I seplled that wrong, but in that episode Sara made a joke about wanting to take up hockey to get more sex. It was the first, and last, time I remember her actuallly joking around abuot enjoying sex. I mean she's talked about it before... but I just really enjoyed her joking about that.

Women like sex just as much as guys. And we joke about it too. I know that I was watching the episode with my roomate and we were both like "Hockey, eh?" I mean normal adult women are sexual beings and that side of Sara should have been shown a bit.
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

OMG it has been 4ever sence I have been able to come in here... I just got my laptop back..( To make a long story short, dog jumped on to bed and knocked it off and broke the moniter. bad dog !! lol )
I miss Sara so much on there, you can tell that Nick does too, and yes Emily I picked up on the little hint of Snickers as well. I was wondering if that was the writers way of telling us that there might be hope?? What do you all think. And yes I know that Nick has a soft spot for dogs, but you kinda wonder.
Ok guys going to head to work now. I'll pop in later...

P.S. Welocme MTC.. I love D/L too..They Rock!!!!

Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

i am likin all the love on here. SNICKERS FANS ARE THE BEST!!

i agree 100% with what you guys are saying about Catherine. Sara is a woman just like Catherine who can have her sexy flirty moments. i think that could have made Sara more appealing to other had TPTB not dulled her down and made Catherine the more dominate one. NY seems to do that with Stella and Lindsay a lot as well.

anyway back on track.... you can tell that not only Nick but the whole team seem to be down about Sara leaving. the cast just seems broken up about it and it shows in their performances a bit. i say if Grissom doesn't go after Sara Nick should either as a friend or a lovah!!