Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It!!

Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

oomgoodness!! the george/jorja adorable kiss. that was so cute. you can see that they are completely comforatble around each other. i love that and it deffinatly shows in the characters of how much jorja and george love to work around each other. ok... since sara's gone.. i think we should start pushing george and jorja get together. i think i'd want that to happen more then snickers because their relationship would actually be REAL:) lol. and it's be the cutest thing EVER:):):)

did george and jorja made a deal that when they both reach 45, and were both still single, they'd marry each other. or something like that. it's completley cute and i REALLY hope it happenes!! lmao

yeah... it's definatly easier in the summer time. hopefully during winter break i can update. but yeah, i'm realy sorry for the no updates in a while:p so, that's why i'm not pushign anyone else to update. lol!:)
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

As much as I'd be all for the two of them dating in real life, that's completely up to their own discretion :)

I think the deal was that if they reached 40/45, and they were both still single, they'd "hook up" (I could use a more vulgar term, but I won't! LOL!) . . . I don't think they said marriage . . . although, I wouldn't object to that either! :)
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

O/TGeorge did said, when George and Jorja reach 45 and they still single and they will marry each other. He seem to enjoy to be with Jorja.

Back on Topic: I finally finish my story, so here is it. I hope you enjoy. Past's Revege- Part 3
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

Oh it's very goood! How come I haven't seen this sooner?

It was wonderful.
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

They *did* say they'd get married? LOL! How cute! Is there an article or clip somewhere where he *ahem* 'confirms' this? I'd love to read/see it! :)

NicknGrissom, I'll have to read your story after work . . . I've gotta get going. It should be an interesting day . . . the chick who decided the weather was too bad to come in for our staff meeting is in for a rude-awakening and the manager isn't even going to be there . . . and I have Christmas decorating to do, and shopping that needs to be done -- and the parking lots here are nothing but lakes because of that huge blizzard we had on Sunday which melted on Monday due to the WARM weather system that moved through from Hawaii . . . my pond as been drained (probably six inches taken out each time) three times in the last five or six days because of all the extra water . . . urgh . . .

I'm procrastinating about going to work again, can you tell?! LOL!

Have a good day people! keep the faith in Snickers! They will ALWAYS be yummy! :)
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

Ugh, this is frustrating. I remember reading it somewhere but I can't find it (Is her site down or something?). Sorry, can anybody else help?

It's cute, but I'm sure they were joking. Kind of like when my two best friends and I said we were gonna backpack through Europe after graduation. :rolleyes: Of course if they actually did do it that would be adorable, but yeah, I wouldn't hold your breath, Em.
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

lol. i know. but, as you guys said... i think i'd be completely adorable. george and jorja seem to really enjoy each other. and yeah, i've been trying to look for an article or someting but i cant find it. all i know is that someone (george or jorja.. i'm thinking george) did actually say it. hm... i joke, i hope not! lmao:p

nickngris, i'm gonna have to read your story later because i'm REALLY hungry and my pizza is about finished!! so, when i come on next, i'll DEFINATLY read it:)
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

I rember reading it somewhere too. Is it possibly in the clip from when they were on The Veiw together? I know that she told all the other ladies that he was hers. That was cute and made my heart melt a little.

I was watching season 1 on Spike today... she's all over him. She wants him bad.
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

She said that on The View? Why the heck isn't their a clip of that segment online anywhere?!?! *sighs* I think I'd better read the transcript and refresh my memory! LOL!

NicknGrissom - I still have to read your story, but I promise I'll review once I get the chance! :)
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

No, it wasn't on The View, was it? I could have sworn I read it in an article. *is confuzzled*

Anyhoo, it doesn't matter because not only is it unlikely they would make good on this "pact", but if you've seen the new TV Guide interview with George and Gary, you know he's taken. Boo hoo.

If you want to see it, it's here
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

I might be wrong... I could have sworn it was on the view. A long time ago when they were both on there together?

I might be wrong.

Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

Damn, I wish I could read the rest of the article! Heck, I wish I could get myself a copy of that TV Guide issue . . . CSI always seems to be on the cover the US TV Guide . . . *sighs*
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

Oh, sorry Meg, I've got it right here:

TV Guide Page 1
TV Guide Page 2

NicknGrissom thanks for clearing that up. Although it is going to bug me because I KNOW I read it somewhere. Maybe she reiterrated it some other time? Oh well.