Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It!!

Alright this keep this thread moving.

Since Sara's coming back, how do you guys think Nick would react he first he sees her again, since she left without saying anything, and what their conversation would be like.
Wow, I haven't been here since the last thread... No a lot familiar people here, but the main thing is that Snickers is still alive! :D

To answer Sakura's question.

To be realistic, I kind of think that they won't ease her appearance. She'll show up, and won't spend too much time with other character explaining her departure. After all, the ep will be about Warrick, and no matter how it ends, I assume there will be a lot moments where they will recall good days.

However, in my own snickers world, I think it would be great if Nick sees Sara alone, without everyone there and since he is the emotional guy I can imagine him being the only one saying how much he misses her.

N: (after seeing her in the hallway) Sara...What are you doing here?
S: (smiles) Nick. I came for Warrick.
N: I see...Would it be wrong if I say that I'm glad you're here? I mean, with the circumstances...
S: I'm glad to see everyone too.
N: So...does this mean you'll be coming back.
S: (shakes her head) No...I'm...I'm happy where I am. Not so sad all the time.
N: I'm sorry this place made you feel like that.
S: (smiles) Typical Nick. Always taking responsibility in making me feel better.
N: You know I miss you.
S: Yeah...Me too. But hey, I'm here now and you still owe me that double double animal style sandwich.
N: Ahm...I think it's the other way around.
S: How about if we just go get that sandwich and we'll take it from there.
N: Deal.
Aw, I love that scenario! Unfortunately though, I think you're right. The ep will (and should) focus on Warrick. But come on, they can at least give us something! A teeny tiny convo between Nick and Sara about her sudden departure. Pretty plese with a cherry on top, writers?!

Mandy, welcome to the ship. Great to have you aboard. ;)

Meg, maybe this summer I can sit down and read your story. I was starting to read Sara's Secrets a few months ago, but then work and school got in the way (same old story, I know). From what I've seen you're a fantastic writer, so I'd really like to make the time to read your stuff!

Any news yet on how many eps Sara's gonna be in, people?

ETA: Hold up, I've got something. And it's not good news.

Apparently, GRISSOM is the one that calls Sara, and that's how she finds out about Warrick. Sucko. And to make matters worse, they spend the whole episode together. She's trying to get back into the lab, but she can't because she doesn't work there anymore, and so he tries to get her a job as a lab tech so she can get in.

Honestly, why are we going back there people?! GSR is DEAD AND BURIED!!! Don't bring Sara back just to resurrect it. Bring Sara back to be SARA, not Grissom's love thingy.

Now, what does Nick find? Remember that love interest thing? Well, it might end up being the new girl, Riley Adams. In 9x04 Scales they go out for coffee, but fortunately for us Snickers shippers, they're interrupted by a call.

Oh, and Sara will appear in 5-6 episodes.In the main cast. So yay for that. But otherwise, crappy news for us. Can we just go back to those fantasies we've been writing about?
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I think that change in the concept of each episode led to less time between certain characters which led to some great moments. Before, when they had 2 cases per ep, we got to see interesting pairings, and now it's really hard to get that.

Well, I'm not really surprised that Nick will get another love interest, since he was a bit "lonely" in that department. However, I still hope that in those 5-6 episodes that Sara will be in, that the writers will give each ship a chance to enjoy in some great moments. I mean, at this point, I would rather see Sara with anyone instead living in that samo old drama :hint: :hint:

So, since I haven't been reading anything new, fanfiction wise, in ages, or better so say, since I wrote my last fic, any recommendations?
whoa! posting! i love it!:)

i definatly agree with you on the whole 'forcus on warrick' thing. i love snickers but i also love warrick and this episode should be completely focused on HIM. no GSR, no Snickers.. no nothing; just warrick.

Im pretty sure Jorja IS coming back for good. i hope so because the team needs all the support they can get.

ok... so, i read the above spoilers and that pisses me off. STUPID GSR! what the heck? WARRICK FREAKEN DIED! they shouldnt be forcing Grissom and Sara back together because this isnt back them. it's about warrick. and now that they are doing that they're gonna have everyone asking, 'so what's going on between grissom and sara' when the focus should be on warrick.. their friend, co-worker and an amaizing character. i hate it that they are pushing all this stuff in our faces. sara and grissom (gross).. nick and his little 'love interest' (gross) when they already gave us enough with killing off a main character. man oh oh.. csi is not the same as it used to be.

on another note... i read that Jorja said that Grissom and Sara definatly broke up. There was the little things that were wrong with their relationship and ... from the looks of it... (at least i'm hoping)... it doesnt seem like they are gonna get back together.

OH! and i also heard that Grissom/Billy might be leaving soon. George Eads said that.


meg... i'm gonna get around to reading your story sometime this weekend. forget where i left off though:p lol!.
It's been so long since I've been here.

Grissoma and Sara actualy broke up? That's probably one of the good news I've heard. (I feel bad for GSR shippers though. I know what its like when your ship dissapoints you)

What's gonna happen to our ship now?

We can't really say until we actualy see it. All we can do now is hope. Yes! just keep on hoping!

Sara's gonna be there for a while, there's still plenty of time to make things right for us.
mhm... that's what jorja said. and, i'd believe jorja. i dont really feel bad for GSR. :) they tried to push it on us and kept saying 'GSR rocks, they're gonna get married and always be together.' but... looky, looky here... they're broken up and nick is MOVING up! lol:p.

yes yes, hooope is all we have. i still believe it in.. but these stupid rumours of another love interest for nick, ugh. ok, i guess it won't be as bad because then he can see that SARA SIDLE is the only one for him! ;)

yea, i'm pretty sure she's coming back for good. well, at least until the show ends. so, snickers is still ... able to work! just gotta get some more people POSTING here!! everytime i come to say a hello.. we're always on the second page! . come on you guys.. snickers has HOPE! :)
Hey sorry I haven't been on for a while. I just wish there could be more of Nick and Sara scenes. They have the most AMAZING chemistry out of any pairings on this show.

Hmmm...Now I am craving some Snickers! "Butter that toast!" :lol:
I haven't been on here for a while. I hope we see Sara and Nick together on the first or second episode.

Guys, Grissom and Sara hasn't broke up. She just split from Grissom and went back to San Francisco to face her demon and she will return to Grissom, because he is the one that called her.

My Snickers story went on strike and I will tried to post it.
quote from jorja:

"It was decided she was just split from Grissom," Fox explained. "As a couple, they are a little dysfunctional in some ways, but in other ways, they are fabulous. In areas of communicating their hearts, it's never been a specialty for either of them."

^^split... doesn't that mean.. split apart... meaning broken up? ...

and yes yes.. i really really really HOPE that nick and sara get some scenes. but, right now.. i'm not really pushy on that because, come on .. warrick JUST died and i'm alot more concerned for warrick then our ship. i'm sorry... i LOVE LOVE LOVE snickers.. but warrick freaken DIED! HE should get the attention for like, half the season because warrick was a huge part of CSI. :)

ooon other news. guess what you guys.. i made a new snickers video. :):):)
here's the link to the fanvideo site and then you can click on my post on there to get to the video :)
Sara and Nick: making memories
O/T-Guys, we will have to wait little bit longer when the CSI come back. It will be back on Oct. 9 and you can blame Obama and McCain, because it take our CSI place for debate. They should have done and put them on CNN, that where it belong there.

Nick will find Warrick in his car after he heard a shot. Unknown to them, Undersheriff will investigator Warrick's murder. Someone from a past return.

Back on topic: How we would love to see Sara and Nick? Do we get to see the hug between Nick and Sara or what? I hope we do see the hug between them, because Sara love Nicky and she is very protected of him.
i really hope sara and nick hug. yes, once again.. i dont really want to see much past that because is episode is all about WARRICK. but yes... a little talk-talk about how they are doing. but, nick is gonna be freaken tramatized!! he runs out and sees his best friends... practicly HIS BROTHER, shot and killed and his very own car. that's gonna be REALLY hard for him. the rest of the team.. ya, they love warrick and EVERYTHING.. dont get me wrong... but warrick and nick were close and nick actually runs out and sees him ... dead.

so, ya.. i really hope sara's there to comfort nick to.. not just to make the GSRers happy. (grr...) which, i think actually WILL happen. cause, believe me... they're gonna have alot to talk about.

sara and nick both:
had a near death experience and was saved. sara took some time off and nick can definatly understand that.
.. and now..
they both had someone die in their arms. sara: girl from Empty Eyes and nick: .. warrick:(.

^can we say that about any of the other characters? i think not!:)

ew, and on another.. kinda off topic note:S .. i was reading something somewhere... forget where.. but i was reading it and someone said, 'Grissom and HIS Sara Sidle are going to be back'. something like that. but, i got SO mad because.. HIS Sara Sidle? you can't own someone. There's who sara's kinda become since she's got with Grissom. HIS property. grr... cause, they've made Sara to be independant and hardworking and now... she's just known as 'grissom's girlfriend'. uugh... not with nick wouldn't!!!!!!!

lol.. sorry, just. something i remembered :p
Em, yay for the new vid! We need all the Snickers we can get this long summer before the reunion, especially since it probably will be more of a GSR reunion than a Snickers reunion. :devil:

And my my, do my eyes deceive me or is Pure Jorja up and running again? ;)

Yes, if Nick and Sara don't hug, that's it. Then it is definitely hopeless. Please don't make it hopeless, writers.
IMO, writers know that with Sara back they can get a lot of viewers back who weren't too fond of all that happened in the last season, regarding Grissom, lack of scenes between Sara or anybody etc.

I think that they will give scenes which will give something great to all ships that exist.

Of course, I'm praying that N&S get the best one. :D
where is everyone?!?!

come on you guys... are shipp COULD HAPPEN! sara is coming back!!! ... not for the whole time but, enough for some juicy scenes. :) and.. i really hope they dont freaken push GSR on us again. they already know it didnt work or wouldnt of worked because they lost ALOT of viewers when the two got together. so, for their own safety... they should leave sara and grissom single . aaand, for the season finale... get sara and nick married !:)

i'm glad you liked my video !

so.. has anyone heard of a spoiler VIDEO floating around? i wanna see something now instead of reading it! :p