Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It!!

what i see is that at the beginning, sara was just lonely. and, as we heard, grissom and her had a thing when he was down for his little lecture thing. well, seeing as her past was rocky and she didnt really have anyone else, she clung to someone that showed interest in her, that showed love. and that's why she came to Las Vegas when grissom asked. she needed to feel loved and she kept telling herself that grissom was the one. but, NOOO. she doesnt love grissom she LOVES NICK. i agree with you bell, grissom was like a distraction... someone to get her ready for something real. :)

uugh, i know. right now, i can probably live without CSI. like, kinda dont care if it ever comes back BECAUSE, i just dont want GSR to heat up again. Theres a possiblitly for snickers, but. i dunno, CSI's just kinda... ugh now that GSR has screwed everything up and sara's gone:(
Holy crap! I don't check in for a little bit and the board explodes! :)

I've been busy as well. Building another pond (which is FINALLY coming together), and I started a new job . . .

But I have to ask - where did you girls hear about the writers not being fans of Sara and Nick in a romantic way? Or a writer that sees them more as brother and sister??? There is no way that is how they see each other. Sorry. They are so perfect for one another.

Hope everyone is doing well. Glad to hear that Jorja will be back for the season finale.
^ The site has been shut down as I and the other webmistress were unable to keep it updated. :( I'm really sorry about that!

Hey everyone! Long time no see! How are we all doing today?

Thanks cocoa for the adorable pictures! I love how Jorja and George are great friends in real life, so their on-screen chemistry is reflected through that!
I'm sorry that you and the other webmistress had issues keeping it updated. But you gave it a shot. I will miss it though. Such a great site.
Wow, it sure has been a long time since I have wandered in! Hello ladies (waves) I thought I'd come back, hoping that I can actually start working on my story again that I some what ditched. (looks down sadly) By coming in here I am trying to get my muse going so (crossing fingers) hope everything is been going good for u'all and I am freaking flipping out wiatinf or new eppies!!!
Welcome back CCA. I've miss your story and I'm bored here. I hope you write soon. CSI will be back on April 3rd. And let's hope actors, SGA and Director don't go on strike when their expired on June 30. They will be talking at the end of this month.

Sara will be back probably season finale or whatever she come back.
I doubt that she'd come back as soon as the season finale. But if I was a betting girl I'd put money on a return in season 9.;)

cocoa, I hope you enjoyed those first two season eight eps, because the Snickers action pretty much stops after that.:(

kissmesweet, that sucks that you had to take it down, but it was nice for the time you had it up.

CCA, I know what you mean about abandoning fics. I'm ashamed to say I'm guilty of that. I'm at the point where I won't even say, "Oh, I'll get back to it.":rolleyes:

So, since we're on the subject of fics, does anyone have a fave Snickers fic? What about a fave Snickers vid?
My favorite Snickers fic was "Serendipity" by Januarynineteen. :(

Now I guess it's mine. Well the one I'm co-writing with Bauerfreak. I *know* that sounds vain but I really love it. We're in the process of posting the next chpater and it's a whopping 30 pages already. I'm thinking we have about 3 more to write before it's ready to post. I just... love the whole overall story, even if it is A/U.

Video? There are so many out there that are just way too pick just one. I can, however, pick a favorite Snickers moment and that's got to be the one from WAY back with the Apple and them two flirting like CRAZY. Grissom got SO jealous. It was CLASSIC.
hey everyone!!

ok, just so you guys know... i thought i posted something earlier on after nickngris, but as i see now... there's nothing there! lol:p

COME ON SNICKERS!!! sara's coming back and as we see... there's another woman and grissom's life!:) i didnt watch the episode on thursday, i was at this thing at my school, but i watched parts of it on youtube and it looked pretty good. nick's got his SEXY hair back. and, i'm glad we got to see a side of grissom we dont usually see.

ok, as some of you MAY know, yes.. sara is supposed to be coming back BUT i dunno if it's gonna be for like... reaccurring or whatever. i really hope she is! nick's fire, i different noticed, has gone and i remmeber i line in the last episode when nick was like, 'i found my reason for getting out of bed today' and he found a piece of evidence. yeah, yeah.. my snickery mind is kicking in and i think, 'hm... what was his reason for getting up before?'... see where i'm coming from:p lol

BUT YES!! we gotta get some life into this thread. csi is back up and running and snickers WILL happen. they're just to perfect together for it NOT to happen!!!

nice to mean you eveninstar! we're very friendly here at the SNICKER THREAD. hope you enjoy it!. hm.. i'm gonna loook for a picture to get you guy back in the snickery mood.




^^hope those made you smile:)
always love me some snickers of the reasons i watched this show! *ahem* off to get herself a snickers bar at the vending machine!
Hey, everyone!

I just wanted to say hello to everybody. I haven't been here in ages, but it's great to see that Snickers force is still very much alive.

I, too, wish that Sara returns this season, so we can enjoy some Snickers scenes. I would even be happy if Nicky mentions her name or says how he misses her... :D
cocoa, I hope you enjoyed those first two season eight eps, because the Snickers action pretty much stops after that.:(

i did enjoy the two eppie that they shared one she was unconscious and the other she tries not to flirt him that much.... and the season so is fine i guess... i just heard theres a new eppisode of csi she be coming soon... is it still season 8 or season 9

