Nick/Sara - - #21 - - Nick knows Kung Fu

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lol:p adorable.

ok, so we have....

Nick&Sara --#22-- two hearts as one
Nick&Sara --#22-- don't let her die
Nick&Sara --#22-- aint no sunshine when she's gone
Nick&Sara --#22-- the song, from beginning to end; found again in the heart of a friend.
Nick&Sara --#22-- keep the faith Snickers
Nick&Sara --#22-- the undying faith
Nick&Sara --#22-- started off as a frienship...
Nick&Sara --#22-- the real secret love affair
Nick&Sara --#22-- sara's nick's; everyone knows it
Nick&Sara --#22-- Snickers; chocolately goodness

^^we'll make a poll soon.

ok, i was talking to my friends and stuff, and we were talking about relationships. and they were saying, "you have to be really close friends first if you want to have a relationship that lasts" and the only thing i could think of in my mind was: "SNICKERS!"

nick and sara have always been friends. when sara came, eveyone judged her EXCEPT for nick. no questions asked, he just excepted her and let her in. he's always been the person that sara came to for help and care... and EVERYONE knows that. everyone wants to know how nick's gonna react to GSR and it appears... he's not gonna exactly love it...

OMG OMG OMG 4 days left...We can do it ladies I know it...I'm so happy that I have thur off...I have desided that I'm going to finish cleaning out my garage so that time will pass by
I like Nick/Sara #22--Sara's Nick's;Everyone knows it!!
I have to agree with Snickersfan01, I like Sara's Nick's; Everybody know it! Who want to do the next number thread 22? It easy. You don't have to put the old thread on it. You just put this thread on the next thread #22.
Yeah, I agree Sara's Nick's; Everybody knows it! That sounds great.

Well I wish I knew how to set up a minute countdown. I am going to try very hard not to come and read on the web about what happens. I love on the west coast so I have to wait til 9pm pacific time midnight for you east coasties.

I have my kleennex ready then again I am recovering from a horrible cold and my asthma is in full swing with a horrid cough.
okay guys, 3 more days to go fasten your seatbelt, bring out the kleenex and a bottle of water in case you choke on your own sob. ;)

"you have to be really close friends first if you want to have a relationship that lasts" and the only thing i could think of in my mind was: "SNICKERS!"
emily agreed they do have that great bond of friendship and when they move to be together it will be stronger. :)

sara: you didnt?
nick: it just slips
sara: you owe a back rub
nick: with my pleasure :devil:

on the side note guys please join in the fun in the snicker scenario, and i know your good at it to. come and play with us. ;)

how do you think nick will do after they found sara alive?
i think nick will be more a good friend and ready and willing to help her out. and maybe help her see that he is the better man for her. just my thought.

what about you guys.?
I think he will be really glad and extremly carrying. maybe bordering on overprotective which could result in a nice chat on what Sara means for him. and maybe what his support means for her

a first step toward the relationship they should have been enjoying for years :)
i'll do the #22 thread. just, show me where all the other stuff is.. i don't mind:p haha...

ok.. i'll make a poll of your top choices soon and you'll vote. *jumps up and down* THIS IS SO EXCITING!!


what nick would do AFTER sara's found...

i agree with caroline. he's probably going to be more caring and protective then ever. even if he didn't love her (which, he know he does:p) he'd still become even closer with her, considering he has gone through ALMOST the same thing. and, nick OBVIOUSLY was hurt by the announcement of GSR... LOOK AT HIS FACE!. that's not a surprised expression... that's a hurt one. he KNOWS that him and sara are ment to be together. nick knows WHAT to do. Grissom hasn't been in her situation... so he doesn't know... but nick does. he knows when to give her space and when to be there.

i'm hoping that Warrick, Greg or Catherine notices Nick's little crush and talks to him about it. hm.... i heard warrick and nick get in a fight. maybe, because warrick says he likes catherine, nick gets mad "didn't you just see what happened to sara and grissom". blah blah blah... mad at each other for a while. BUT then they make up because nick comes clean about his little crush. IM SO EXCITED!! :D
I talk to the mod. for you, Emily, she will probably come in here and explain it to you better then I can. I'm not good explain it to people. Don't worry, she is a nice person.

What I think about Nick do for Sara? He will be there for her, be friend with her and protect of her. He will let her talk this out to him when she ready. If she know about Nick's angry, like in Gum Drops then he will know that she will be angry at the people and shouted at 'em or anybody come in her way. She might bite Ecklie's head off.
haha. ok! can't wait... lmao:p

yeah, i dont think nick will be too 'i love you' to sara just because she's been through so much and she doesnt need anymore confusion on her plate. so... nick's just gonna be there for her. maybe, just because he's nick, he'll probably try and be a better friend then grissom could. i dunno... but all i know is I'M SO EXCITED!! :D

i'm VERY confident that Sara and Grissom will break up.... and i'm SO excited because i have a feeling that SNICKERS WILL HAPPEN!!! i'm so positive, i know... but you watch. I'M GONNA BE RIGHT!
I am so looking forward to this thursday! aaaah! as for what will happen- i reckon they will leave it for a bit since the gsr breakup (which is bound to happen) will be a big 'shocker' and they will expect all the gsr fans to be reeling from it for a while- so in order for snickers not to be hated (by everyone BUT us of course) im guessing we might have to wait almost the whole season before we see any juicy snickery developments! but we can hope... and we shall see- not long now after all! every day i have been telling my friends how many days, hours, minutes there are to go and now they ahve started jumping in before i say it! haha!
*screams again like a little girl who just got candy* 3 more days . . . that's it! *screams yet again*

I'm happy - I always have Thursday/Friday off. But because this week is severely retarded and I was shocked with half the roof of the house being torn off today by the roofers who were told they weren't to be here at all this week - I had to get Tuesday/Wednesday off as well . . . and since I had today, I get a five day weekend! Yay! (Can't leave the dog alone, and since the people across the street are cops, and they found out the one guy is a thief, we can't leave the house unattended - and the dog is ballistic with these guys, and since my sister goes to school and my parents are going on vacay, I'm the only one left . . . thank God my manager is a doll and understands . . .) . . .

So, now I'm thinking about all this free time that I have - what should I do???? Snickers marathon, me thinks! :)
hm... i like that idea:p HAHA!! update your story!! haha, i'm dying to know what happens!!! lmao:p

omgoodness... i was just talking to one of my friends about CSI and stuff and all the 'clues'! SNICKERS IS SO GONNA HAPPEN!! i know it!! nick and sara... i honestly thought that that was what it was gonna be. alot of people have said to me: yeah, i always thought nick and sara and catherine and grissom would end up together. but... look what's happened!!! no no no... nick and sara!! catherine and grissom or warrick... i dont really care about that one. the ship i completely ship is snickers.

george and jorja both know that their characters have amazing chemistry. george has always shipped snickers... hopefuly jorja will some get on board! and yes... i think she's finally coming around!:)
Hi folks! Wow, I haven't been in here for the longest time. Good to see we're finally on the way to the new thread. Who's going to do a poll on the new title?

I'm so excited for Thursday. I think I'm pretty sure Sara will survive, but I wonder how it's going to effect her and her relation ship with the other co-workers. Um, well actually just with Nick, hehe. But anyway.

For the lovers of fanfiction around here, I posted this little one shot called Flaw, which you can find here . It’s pretty dark but also snickery so I think you’d like it. Also Serendipity has some new chapters since I last posted. You can find that one here.

Yikes. And now I should go because I'm gonna be late for school. Keep the faith in Snickers. :D

Uh.. Hi! 83

I'm a SNickers, Sandle, and GSR fan all at one time XD

In other words, I think a foursome would be very, very hot. xD

I hope you don't hate be for being GSR and all. x33
welcome Autumn :)

mariel - you spend even less time here than me. I thought that was impossible ;) I'm gonna check out your stories, haven't read any 'snickery-goodness' in a long while

I'm so excited about Thursday. 2 day left
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