Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshine

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Re: Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshin

Waouh :D i dunno how but i suddenly felt like some snickers thing did happen on the last episode :lol: Looks like i was right ha ha ha I didn't see the episode yet but i will watch it later this afternoon i'm really HyperSnicker excited :lol: WOOOOOOOOOT
This thread might be dead before but i got the feeling it won't now :D
Re: Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshin

ok completely off topic but EFFING HELL THAT ICON AND BANNER ARE HOT SISSI!!!

end off topic drooling lol.

back OT, btw im writing a post whatever the last ep was called fic, and yes i havent seen it, but i know all i need to know, hehe.
Re: Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshin

mariel said:
OK, I just saw the episode. There's not much but it is good! I made you guys some screencaps. Enjoy. :)

Cap 1 (touchy feely)
Cap 2
Cap 3
Cap 4
Cap 5
Cap 6
Cap 7
Cap 8

I'm sorry about the pic overload mods, it won't happen again.

re 1 - SQUEAL!!! they so both have a touching each others shoulders kink bahahaba
re 2 - CLOSE MUCH!!!
re 3 - they both look adorable haha, like "GO AWAY WE WANT TO BE LEFT ALONE"
re 4 - EYE SEXINGS!!! sara's so about to push nicky into the back seat :devil: screw being caught haha
re 5, 6, 7 & 8 - dudes the eye sexings is back!!!

ETA post redrum SNICKERS fanfic.

Title: Moths, Butterflies and Shared Secrets
Fandom: CSI
Characters: Nick/Sara, Grissom
Prompt: #34 - Not Enough
Word Count: 3650
Rating: PG
summary: Set post Redrum. Sara comes to a realization that Grissom is not the one for her, and upon doing so realises she has been blinded to her feelings for another co-worker.
Warnings/Bribes: Heavily Anti-GSR, Pro SNICKERS

Moths, Butterflies and Secrets Shared
Re: Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshin

I just finished watching the ep (and I missed the beginning of the handball championship btw...) and I have to say that we got to see a REAL CSI ep. All of the characters got screen time and then, of course, the Snickers scenes.

I loved that they finally had an alone scene, while processing that house. Sure, they talked only about a case, but still it was good to see them in the same scene. And they still look great together. :D

I loved that look they exchanged when Nick asked if they are all on board. It was very like "Las laugh".

And I loved how they were both equally pissed off at Catherine. Both Greg and Warrick got over it, but Sara was pretty pissed off in the room and I doubt she got over that and we saw how Nick is mad too. Which reminds me when Cath took them off that case in season 4, I think, and Sara said: "I would take you and me over Greg and Cath, anytime."

It would be great it they continue this in the next ep, too. Maybe Nick and sara having some discussion about it.

Great caps, mariel !

Here are some of mine:
Re: Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshin

Thanks mariel and misery for the caps. yum yum. Now I can't wait to see it (my friend from work recorded it for me)

I love those pics at the car, when Sara looks at him, she looks like she is going to kiss his cheek. . . or throw him into the backseat, either one would work for me.
Re: Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshin

ok completely off topic but EFFING HELL THAT ICON AND BANNER ARE HOT SISSI!!!

Thank you Jake rules :D

Thanks Misery and Mariel for the caps, there are really excellent, you are my caption heroe :D I've seen it this afternoon and i have to say i was totally hooked to the episode: i love the "young CSIs" pact :lol: it was just too cute, it reminded me of the picnic scene from last season...I've also noticed that Nick is always the one bringing the team together it shows an important side of his personality: How much he wants to join people he loved and appreciated around him.
Regarding the Snickers scene : i loved how he looked at her during the Pact scene like he was telling her "Do that for me Sar" and she did it :D It was nice to see some Snicker interaction cause we all noticed the lack of it since the beginning of season 7....Anywho i also loved how Sara and Nick were both pissed off at Catherine, it showed how much they think alike even if they didn't show it the same way...I have to admit that i wished Nick was making the pact with Sara only...:rolleyes:
Re: Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshin

Misery those caps are awesome, look at the damn eye sexings!!! *drools*

sissi59100 said:Anywho i also loved how Sara and Nick were both pissed off at Catherine, it showed how much they think alike even if they didn't show it the same way
well its always a given that sara will jump on the pissed at cath bandwagon, and im happy nick followed her thing time lol.

...I have to admit that i wished Nick was making the pact with Sara only...:rolleyes:
oh they made an eye sex pact, the 'my place after shift eye sex pact' bahahaha
Re: Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshin

Yes i was being sarcasit, i forgot to put my saracasim brackets :lol:

Sissy i love your siggy/icon dearly ;)

And holy mother i love those caps and they way Sara is looking at Nick.
Re: Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshin

Those caps are awesome i cannot wait till that episode airs in the UK (which will be like forever) but now that I know we got some genuine Snickers action then i'll be happy to wait.
And the eye-sexing phwoar hot hot hot they so want each other it radiates off them!
Plus it's always good to see Sara sticking by her man.

Off topic: Heartagram I loved your fic, I would so love to see that happen!
Re: Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshin

Sissi!!! *Runs and hugs* It's been SO long!! :D

Love, love, love those caps! So far this episode has been my favourite all season. Ah, so many good scenes...hope there is going to be some more in the future episodes.

OOH! Question: Where would you like CSI to go after seeing this previous epsiode (if you have). What do you want to happen the Nick and Sara?

Oh, another question: Who is Keppler? Like, is he another CSI or something?
Re: Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshin

Sissy i love your siggy/icon dearly
Thank you sweety, me love yours too George/izzie rock!!
well its always a given that sara will jump on the pissed at cath bandwagon
NESTING DOLLS NESTING DOLLS....:rolleyes: I'm also happy Nick followed her cause it was justified. You know those two being pissed off reminded me that they were always the human side of the CSIss, the one showing their emotions etc..LOVELY

Sissi!!! *Runs and hugs* It's been SO long!!
YUM Miss Yoda is back in da place :lol:
okay question 1: I would love if they keep the tension between NICK SARA and CATH KEEPLER, you know i really missed the angst and i hope we get some before Grissom gets back.

question 2: haaaaaaa Keepler who is he? that's a good question, since he's spending so much time with Cath maybe he is investigating on her or maybe on few episodes he will try to kill her and then Brass will kill him so Au revoir Keepler :D
Seriously i dunno but i feel like he is gonna do something HUGE
Re: Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshin

OohSnickers said:
OOH! Question: Where would you like CSI to go after seeing this previous epsiode (if you have). What do you want to happen the Nick and Sara?

Oh, another question: Who is Keppler? Like, is he another CSI or something?

OK, first, Keppler is also a CSI, but different than the rest of them. He is more of a profiler, he thinks like a murderer.

Next: I would like to see some continuity from the last episode. Since Nick is obviously still mad and I think Sara is too, I would love to see them discuss this. Like they teamed up in After the show when Catherine pulled them both from the case.

And then Nick can ask her if there's something else that's bothering her etc. I think it would be a great opportunity to see the two of them to talk about something else than work.
Re: Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshin

Uh oh, we're dying down a bit here. *calls up the Snicker police*
"Hello, snicker police? Yes, we're in need of some serious Snickers action on CSI. I need my sexual chocolate back!!!"

Aww man, I cannot wait for next weeks episode. Hopefully the writers will continue to use the "Nick and Sara are mad at Catherine" thing. What? I think it's a good plot line!

OOH! misery I'm so hoping something like that will happen. There are so many possibilities on where the episode could lead.

On another note, I finally finished my snickers picture. It's not very good (I think) but photoshop keptfreezing, so *shrug* It's also a bit big, but I don't think you'd be able to read the text if it was smaller, so I apologize for that. All of the pictures I used are from CSI-caps.
NS Picture
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