Nick/George Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #14

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babs congratulations. If the baby is a boy you could do a compromise on the name. George Nicholas or Nicholas George. :)
Thnx all, its gonna be alright :) the first three months are the worst for me *just like when I had the first one :)* But I keep staring at all those great pics and feel better and better :D George/Nick is a great medicine :lol:
just dashing in quickly because momma is coming to pick me up soon to go to waterloo for my great aunts 90th birthday! :eek: she also might be bringing one of my other great aunts (not the birthday girl) to see my condo and it is not clean yet, so i hope youll forgive me for not doing runners up!
you ladies are certainly getting good at the challenges where i make you search real hard, so way to go!

but i am absolutely obsessed with this one: from Jacquie
the angle, the profile, the ring, the hat, the ears! i could go on forever! :lol: have fun with nicky for the day!
Congrats on the promotion allmaple. Does this mean you won't be visiting the ward as often and that when you do we have to behave ourselves :D. I thought you might like that pic as I added it to my photobucket after you posted it. Have fun at your great aunts birthday and give her lots of hugs from Nick.

Nikki I think what you are doing for you friend is very nice. I hope everything goes well for you and your friend :)

Now on to the next theme. Lets see if I can continue to challenge you ladies. It's been awhile since we've done this so lets see Nick and company with different modes of transportation. He can be on them, in them, or beside them. I will give bonus points for creative pics. The limit is 12 and I will announuce the winner in about 24 hours
Firstly, this is the third time I have tried to post today, they keep disappearing :mad: (or maybe it is just me going a little crazy) so apologies! I actually searched for my posts under my username, convinced I must have posted Nick pics somewhere completely random! :lol: Can't find them though....

Congrats Babs , I hear the first three months are the worst and then you will bloom! Keep well rested with pics of Nicky!

Congrats too allmaple , I hope the posters at general csi are kind to you, leaving you plenty of time to spend with Nicky and the ward! Your kittie avatar is very pretty too... Is she yours?

Congrats also to Jacquie , I have searched for some theme pics, hope these are what you are looking for:

Perfect for a cowboy
Good for children?
I kind of hope Nick isn't too impressed with this kind of thing
transport, mobile office and lab! These work cars have everything....
Perfect position for shooting
Well, it is on wheels.

Have a good Sunday guys, must go and visit my mother and be a good daughter for a couple of hours. :)
Elsie those pics are perfect. :) Enjoy your dinner. :)

blackflag if you're going get a set get Season 2. There are commentaries on 3 episodes plus more on the extras. Put sesaon 1,3,4,5 and 6 on your Christmas wish list. :)
Congratulations on the babys you guys,:lol: George and Nick are defnantly good names!
The pitures on this thread get better and better im loving all the arm porn! He's hot no matter what but do you think we would all like him if he had the mostache permantly or had it from the start would he still have that nick stokes charm??
Hy Ladys :D

congrats Jaquie :D lovley pic

allmaple what a nice sweet Avatar :)

babs i´m very happy to hear tha you feel better now
the live is soo beautifull with Nick, that´s true :D

OK her my pics
under a bus
get out of his car
mhhh yummy under a car :devil:

looking friendly in the car :D
look out
and another looking funny in

that´s mine :)

now i must make fitness training (but without my dog) :lol:

have a nice day - look here a little bit later

oh congrats Nikki i have read this now sorry :D
big hug

Babs and Nikki -- congrats!

And Maple, you've turned green! I can't wait until the first time I can use the phrase "I knew maple back when she was just one of us regular folk." ;)

Congrats on winning the theme, Jacquie. I was the one who did the transportation theme awhile ago so I have whole folder full of "transportation" pics (shopping cart, anyone). Anyway, it doesn't seem fair to use those, so unless I can find some one my own, I'm gonna sit this one out :)
Jacquie, I'm leaning towards season 2 just for the commentaries. The only ones I've heard are for Snakes and Who Shot Sherlock (rented them) and I love them. I may wait for season 6 to come out to see if the earlier seasons are put on sale. My Christmas Wish List contains anything that says CSI (and my mom knows it). :D

transportation pics:

I believe it's called a lift
behind a Police car
repelling from a helicopter
getting evidence from Gregs Danali
sitting on the bumper
under the hood of the radio car

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