Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2- Ch #20- "Save Me From Myself"

Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2

First of all thank you, Smokey for creating the site :thumbsup: I must have cost you a lot of time and nerves, just so we have a place where we can read our stories. Thank you :)

And now to the reviews...

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Murder:

:guffaw: This one is just too funny for words. I love it :D The whole concept is great, as are the descriptions of the people and toys in your fic :) But what I like the most are the tiny little ‘moments’ in your fic, for example the part where Nick told Jack The Ripper in the box to get on the ground, while nudging the box with his feet so it fell down :lol: or when the elephant described Charlie in the box and says that his friend is 6 feet tall when he is closed or how Santa talked about Jim and Nick as they were little boys…:) You really used the song idea in your fic… that’s very impressive. This story was unbelievable funny and very well done, in every aspect. It is definitely the funniest thing I’ve ever read in English. You know I never watched ‘Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer’ before but with the help of your descriptions I could see the Misfit Toys all in my mind and if I could choose one, I would choose the Elephant :lol:

A Visit From St. Nicholas:

Wow :eek: A poem!!! That’s really impressive… I have great respect for you for trying that :) Even though I need to say that I always thought that if someone would ever write a poem for a challenge (since it is definitely allowed to write one), it would be you. Why??? Because you have a very good way with words and because you know your way in English grammar. That was really amazing and funny too :)
For me as no English native it was very hard to read in a few parts but I read it again and again and finally got it all. This has nothing to do with you or the way you wrote your poem but with my lack of vocabulary :) This isn’t just a poem, it is a story too, or at least it tells a story :D I can’t even write poems in German so I have even more respect for you. Great work, really :)

Reindeer Games:

April??? Mrs. Clause??? Funny :lol: How did you get this idea???
I like how you used the song in your fic. You were able to write something completely serious with it… okay maybe not that serious :lol: But you worked with the song idea, so it would fit your story. That’s cool :) The Reindeer statue instead of the Reindeer, young April instead of grandma… funny :lol:
You work a lot with personal speech in your stories, so they’re always easy to read and one can follow them pretty well. What I miss a little are descriptions… of the environment (for example smells, look of the countryside, etc.) and the people you bring into your story. We all know how the CSI’s look like but I would like to know the people better you introduce to us in your stories. You have got a picture of them in your head when you write about them in your stories but your readers haven’t. That’s why I would like to know more about a person YOU write into your story :) Just a suggestion though ;)
This story was very nice to read and the story flow was good. You have a way to keep your readers entertained with simple things, keep up the good work :thumbsup:

This Time of the Year:

Awww gotta love a family story :D It’s very interesting how the Americans spend Christmas, since there are a few differences between the US and Germany in that area… The ugly gnome, huh??? I remember that I carved my aunt a wooden angel at age 8 or so… she still has it :) I guess that’s what your parents do, because it’s very special for them. It’s not the figure that is special. Special is that the child meant it well and wanted to make his/her parents happy with it. And well, I can tell… my wooden angel wasn’t really an angel though :lol: I think I forgot the wings… but well my aunt still loves it :)
Nice idea to write a story about something like that.
Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Murder- Loved Santa's words to Nick and Brass. Too funny! And Nick with the doggie was :adore: Loved the thing with the Jack In The Box. Very creative.

A Visit From St. Nicholas- Very cute idea using the poem and changing the words to fit the theme. Loved the creativity of it. Labrats instead of reindeer was a nice idea.

Reindeer Games- Interesting interpretation of the theme. Mandy playing a Forensics Sims game... who would have thought?

This Time Of The Year- :lol: I was berating Nick right along with his mom about the no coat thing. I was trying to figure out who the narrator was and was surprised at who it turned out to be. Very cute fic. :)
Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2

Thanks for the reviews so far! :) Just a reminder, we'll reveal the authors on Sunday, so if you want to review please go ahead and get yours in. Thanks!
Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2

Well, the holidays are over and so is the Nick Fic Christmas Challenge. I hope those who participated had fun...who am I kidding? I know you did! :lol: And I hope those who needed a break are refreshed and ready for a new challenge!

Here are the authors of the Christmas fics:

Smokey - It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Murder
Jacqui - A Visit From St. Nicholas
GregNickRyanFan - Reindeer Games
NickyFan - This Time of the Year

Very nice job by everyone! Feel free to post your fics elsewhere now if you like. :)
Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2

Okay here are my reviews

It's Beginning to look a lot like murder

I knew Smokey wrote this one because she loves the Misfit toys. This was very clever. I loved it.

A Visit from St. Nicholas:

Ahh..I loved the poem, it was wonderful and very well done.

Reinder Games: killed April. I love you for doing that. Thank you.

This Time of Year:'re such a good writer. I hope you publish someday.
Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2

I was at a loss for a story idea until suddenly this idea just popped into my head. I wrote it very quickly since I haven't had a lot of time to write what with family visiting for the holidays and my cousin in the hospital and all. I'm afraid the story was a bit rushed due to that. I was originally going to leave it to where they solved her murder, but then the idea with Mandy playing Sims came to me and I thought that might be amusing, so I added it in. :)

Honestly though, I generally don't imagine what original (especially minor) characters look like (unless its gonna be a main character like a love interest for someone), so that's why I didn't describe the "killer". And I couldn't decide on where April was that she would be playing Mrs. Claus, so I couldn't describe that place either. It was written very quickly and I just wanted to get it done before I forgot the idea. :lol: It's funny that when I wrote completely original stories (years ago, now all I write is fanfics cause I kept getting stuck on original ones lol), I was better able to describe characters and surroundings. But with fanfics, I rarely even think about it (or I just plum forget to do it) because I'm too focused on the characters and their experiences. But, I will try to keep that in mind for the next fic. :)
Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2

This story came to me while writing on my original idea for this challenge :lol: It was so weird… I was already late starting to write and bang I got a new idea and started again… that was two days before the deadline. That I got it done is a wonder, since I normally need at least a week to write a fic and that without writing it on paper first.

My original idea was writing Nick as an ugly gnome :lol: The funny thing about that is that I got this idea without the song… I read Christmas challenge and I thought ‘That’s it!’ but that was also the problem… since it absolutely didn’t fit the song idea I had a hard time writing it and was happy to get a new idea, just to find out that this one has also not really anything to do with the song idea…

I don’t know if I like the result or not… I like the idea with the gnome watching the ado of a family before Christmas and that the gnome is ugly but very special. Not every special thing needs to be beautiful, that’s what I wanted to show with this fic. I wanted to bring some Christmas tradition in too… and needed to do a little research as to how you all celebrate Christmas in the US, since it is really different from how we do it in Germany.

I needed to bring the song in somehow, since this is part of the challenge… and so I chose it as a favorite Christmas song of one of the family members. I chose Bill because I wanted to show how Christmas time changes peoples moods and behaviour and so it was just natural to choose Bill for it :) I think he did well singing the song over and over though ;)

I hope I captured the family feeling enough in this fic because that’s what I think Christmas is about… The love for your family and everyone who is part of it :) I would really like to know how the Stokes’ really spent their Christmas time… I would like to have a CSI episode where Nick talks a little about it :D
Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2

I think from the beginning I wanted to have this be the case of the dead Grandma and have Nick investigate it. But I really didn't know how to do it without making it sound really silly and I didn't want it to be too serious either.

My friends at work came to the rescue! :lol: We would be sitting there and I'd ask them a question like, "Who would want to frame Santa and why?" and they would throw out these crazy things. The plot started forming in my head, and I'd have more questions, and I basically just bounced a lot of ideas off of them.

This one, once I started writing it, was probably the easiest one I've ever written. :lol: Things just came out naturally as I wrote, and I didn't struggle with it at all...even made it within the word limit.

I've only written a few basic case stories, and I've never tried to write humor, so this was definitely a challenge for me. I am really glad I took it on, because this story would never have been written without this challenge! :)
Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2

What is the date of the next challenge....wanting to participate!

I'll put it up this weekend...most likely on Sunday, BUT...what I need is for everyone who still wants to participate to send me new song choices if yours has already been chosen and you haven't sent me a new one yet. :)
Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2

What is the date of the next challenge....wanting to participate!

I'll put it up this weekend...most likely on Sunday, BUT...what I need is for everyone who still wants to participate to send me new song choices if yours has already been chosen and you haven't sent me a new one yet. :)

If this isn't a deeply silly question (and please feel free to thwap me if it is!), how do we/I send you song choices? Is it in thread, by PM (which I'm still too new to do - though I'm working on that bit!) or by email?
Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2

What is the date of the next challenge....wanting to participate!

I'll put it up this weekend...most likely on Sunday, BUT...what I need is for everyone who still wants to participate to send me new song choices if yours has already been chosen and you haven't sent me a new one yet. :)

If this isn't a deeply silly question (and please feel free to thwap me if it is!), how do we/I send you song choices? Is it in thread, by PM (which I'm still too new to do - though I'm working on that bit!) or by email?

Ah...sorry! It's been awhile! :lol:

Every participant can have one song choice on the list. Then when it's time for a challenge, we will pick one song randomly as inspiration for that challenge.

You can send the song choice to me through private message, or if you don't have that capability yet, you can send it via email to me at Smokey596 at Gmail dot com. :)
Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2

Thanks Smokey - one song suggestion coming to you by email in the next two or three minutes :)
Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2

What is the date of the next challenge....wanting to participate!

I'll put it up this weekend...most likely on Sunday, BUT...what I need is for everyone who still wants to participate to send me new song choices if yours has already been chosen and you haven't sent me a new one yet. :)

I am hoping to see mine picked eventually....:)! It would be nice.:)
Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2

What is the date of the next challenge....wanting to participate!

I'll put it up this weekend...most likely on Sunday, BUT...what I need is for everyone who still wants to participate to send me new song choices if yours has already been chosen and you haven't sent me a new one yet. :)

I am hoping to see mine picked eventually....:)! It would be nice.:)

Well, the odds are getting better! :lol: Yours and Americanstalker are the only two left before we start over again.