New YoBling RP- Open


CSI Level Two
Cath walked into her office one morning and felt a terrible sadness wash over her. She sat down and took a breath. She had no clue what caused it. She was looking over some autopsy reports when she heard a knock at the door. "Come in," she called. "Get a grip, Cath," she thought to herself. "If whoever it is sees you like this, they're gonna ask what's wrong." She took another breath and tossed her hair off her shoulder. After a few minutes, no one entered the office. Cath, figuring they hadn't heard her, rose and walked to the door. It was Warrick. "Hey, come on in," she said with a smile.

Cath- me
Warrick- Imperfect
Sara- BurnedToast
Greggo- BurnedToast
Anyone can jump in anywhwere. :)

"hi cath. so what have you been doing? you look a little off tody, maybe it's just me but are you okay? you can tell me when something's wrong, i want you to know that. is something wrong with lindsey?" warrick asked as he eased himself iin a chair beside her truly concerned, he could see past her fake smile and knew when something was up.
"lindsey what? is she hurt? sick? being bullied?" warrick asked distress entering his voice, he loved lindsey like she was his own daughter.
"ohh that's not good. maybe it would help if i talked to her? if not maybe a counceller" by now warrick was truly concerned for lindsey, sure she was a teenager but seeing catherine in this state made him worry that more was wrong.
Cath smiled at the thought. "Well, she does always ask about Uncle Warrick. You could try." She really hoped Warrick cold break through Lindsey's self- built wall. She'd always been emotionally protective, but she was beginning to withdraw further than before, which scared Cath more than she cared to admit.
"well maybe after shift then. we could grab a bite to eat then head over to your house cath." he said starting to get enthusiastic about the idea. warrick hoped lindsey would open up to him, it's not like he was her parent. even though he wanted to be. no one knew about his secret love for catherine and her daughter. he wanted to be part of their family but cath just never seemed to want him that way back. he would stay just her friend.
Cath smiled and shifted a little. She had a feeling Warrick knew what she was thinking. She'd always cared immensely for him, but she hadn't had the courage to tell him, fearing he wouldn't feel the same way. If she told him and he didn't, she would be crushed. Then again, she needed to know once and for all. She took a breath. "Warrick?" She gathered her nerve as he took her hand.
"yes?" warrick said looking into her eyes, trying to tell what she was thinking. he thought he saw what only he saw in his dreams, love. he took a quick breath in and fought agenst bursting out and telling her his feelings. she was going to tell him something not relted to work, he just felt it. Warrick held his breath hoping that he would hear what he thought she would never say.
She found her courage. "I feel the same way." She could see it in his eyes. He'd felt this way for a long time, and she felt relief at that realization. "Maybe this'll help Lindsey. We can tell her after shift." She kissed him quickly.
stuned warrick just sat there dazed, touching the place on his cheek where he was kissed. he didn't know she could read him that well. his heart soared. he felt like a teenaged boy going on his first date. "wow. catherine actually kissed me. she feels the same. she, me, wow." warrick's mind was reeling. he looked at her and said: "wow, i never really imagined, i just dreamed, hoped, wished." he lent in and pulled her into another kiss, this one full on the lips.