New Year Rsolutions

I don't usually stick to my New Years Resolutions but... here they are:

- Get fit (maybe start running, if it's not too hot!)
- Try really hard at university

Yeah, that's about it! Shouldn't be too hard...
My New Year's Resolution from last year was to come up with an easier resolution this this year's resolution is to eat at least one meal every day. It's impossible for me to not keep this one. I mean, what are the odds that I'll go on a hunger strike? Of course mine's not as we-hope-you-keep-it as my friend, Evan's, who resolved to not die. It's also not as easy (or oddly specific) as my friend, Josh's, who resolved to not hit any cows in the head with a baseball bat.
MissRoosFox said:
Resolutions, written to myself.

1. Roos, please lose some weight. You're fat :p
2. Also study harder. Your grades suck, Roosy.
3. Spend less time in front of the PC, you're addicted to the thing.
4. Find someone who will love you. That won't happen anyways, what's new.
5. Try to spend less money, Roos, or else I'll kick your butt.
Well, Roos, we share all resolutions except #2 :). I already have my degree; however, I'm considering going back to school for a Master's in Political Science. If I do, then #2 would definitely apply again. As for #4, if it happens it happens. If it doesn't oh well. I love myself. That's enough. :D
Happy New Year from the central time zone! I plan on keeping my resolution with not just one but two meals tomorrow. A big breakfast and mmmmm black-eyed peas and hog jawl (Spelling? Spell-check doesn't even know) Yum!
OOh darn, made up another resolution of drinking tea less. Ive broken that already. :rolleyes:
chocolate_bunnys said:
-Stop revolving my life around CSI and GSR(<- yah, thats really going to happen)
-For the first time in a year or two:start working out
-Continue to stay spoiler free.

And I have already broken 3 of the 4.I give up.
I'm sure I've forgotten these by next week, but anyway:

- Eat healthier food (currently chewing on chocolate peanuts)
- Spend less money
- Drink less alcohol
- Study harder
- Go to sleep earlier
- Get up earlier
Bah! Healthier! Huckabee can deal with it (he's out of office in a week!), I like my food deep fried. Okra? Yum. Squash? Yummy. Cornbread? With mustard of course. Twinkies? Why not? Health be darned.
1. get a job and keep it
2. get all coursework handed in no more than 1 day late ( you don't wanna know how late some of it's been)
3. stop snacking at stupid hours of the night
4. stop reading at stupid hours of the night
I think it's time to bump this thread up!

I still have the same one as in 2007: quit smoking. Now I'm determined, I know I'll be able to do it.
I don't make resolutions, I just make to do lists. I know myself well enough to know I won't stick to any resolutons I'd make and I know from experience that things rarely turn out the way you plan them, so I don't plan either.

I still have some things I hope/wish to archieve this year.
My top priorities would be to find a job maybe look for a new apartment as my girlfriend and I are thinking of moving in together.

I'd love to adopt a child too, but that isn't likely to happen this year as I'm too young and I don't have the financial means yet. :(
I keep making a resolution to win the Powerball lottery, but the numbers don't cooperate. Since I don't earn much at my job, MiaCharlize might have to adopt this 56 year old child. At least we have a certain television show interest in common.