New Game Thread: Who Said It And In Which Episode?

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:devil: :devil:
You know, these are supposed to be tough.
;)Apparently not tough enough.

:lol:You're right, Lucy. It was "H" in "Vengeance".
Lol, well, if it's from Seasons 1-3, I usually stand a much better chance! ;) Okay, next one.....

x: I can see that
I think it was................................ Oops!
:devil: :devil:
Damn, too early. It's an easy one, folks! :p
If no one gets it, I'll be back tomorrow!!
:devil:Okay, it's been long enough!
:confused:How about Yelina in "Body Count"?
If I don`t make mistake H said this quote in 'Silencer' or maybe it was Frank ... anyway... new try... is it from ' Murder in a Flash' then ?!
No, it wasn't from 'Murder in a Flash'; and I don't remember it in 'Silencer'. I hate it when they've said these things in more than one episode.
In the episode I have in mind, H said it twice; the first time the sentence was longer. The second time that was all there was. ;)
Pusher , you are correct. It was Horatio in "From The Grave".

He said it twice, once to Frank (using Frank's name) and once to Natalia, just saying "nice address". :cool:
^ Ahh my poor S4 memorys... all is the same... yep I mix the scenes - the one I was think is not from 'Silencer', but 'FTG'....

now I can sleep calm hehe

Ok next one:

'Thanks for bailing us out again.'
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