New Game Thread: Who Said It And In Which Episode?

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:lol: ***** ***** ***** ***** *****
Knew you'd know it as soon as you saw it, Need4Speed.
And you are Correct. It was H in Spring Break.
Need4Speed said:
:D it seems i have a reputaiton for this :lol: :D

ok here's one

x:You're ahead of the curve. That's sexy
:lol: :lol:
Someone better hurry up. When the clock tolls 24 hours, I'm gonna do it.
;) ;)
I PM'd adorelo about her turn; she said she was too busy and I should take it. So, I guess I will.

;)Pretty easy one. X: "I got here on time".
DragonflyDreamer , You would be correct .
It's Speed in Body Count . :devil: Knew it would be easy.

;) You're up!
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