New Game Thread: Who Said It And In Which Episode?

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Yes! Speed_Cochrane you got it!!! it was Speed in Golden Prachute!!!! i love that one because it's one of his very first smart a** comments on the show!!! :D your turn!!!!
Thanks Need4Speed. :D

X:Everything we need to convict this guy is right here. Let's find it.
Hmm... I think maybe Geni forgot she posted a quote. I think it's been long enough now that someone can post a new one.
Yep, much apologies, it completely slipped my mind! :eek:

For the record, Pusher was correct. ;)

But it's been longer than 36 hours so it's up for grabs to the first person to get here.
:devil: :devil:
It's been almost 24 hours; must be time for a clue.

:lol:Clue #1: The quote is from Season 2! ;) ;)
Thanks ;)

here one ease quote from me, but I love it so much ...

X: The way she looks at you...think she could look at me like that?
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