New CSI:NY Credits Love or Hate?

Partly said:
Billing does reflect who TPTB consider their lead for the show -- in this case it would be both Gary and Melina. That would have been true even if they wouldn't have moved the title. Billing is just another form of compensation. It's determined in the contract with the actors. In most cases, the change in opening credits is the easiest form of non-monetary compensation the production could come up with.

I don't see this as a "demotion" because that would have to be agreed upon IN CONTRACT with the affected actors and I don't see anyone doing that. And there's more at play than just the individual actors, union regs are part of it.

More than likely TBTB wanted to move the title up in the credits and, due to contractual restrictions, couldn't put it very first thing.

Yeah, and if it had been that way from the get-go no one would likely think one way or another about it. But doing it three years in is an insult to the younger cast. Everyone knows Gary and Melina are the stars of the show, just as William and Marg are on CSI and Caruso is on Miami. There was no need to move the main title up like that.

I think the most telling aspect of all of this is that Melina is up as far as she is. That an actress gets such high billing on this type of show is a very good thing. It will also be interesting to see how the credits change if/when the other actors go through contract negotiations/renegotiations. To the actors and producers billing is a very delicate subject.

Yeah, I can't imagine any of the actors who are now below the main title are thrilled with it.
Everyone knows Gary and Melina are the stars of the show, just as William and Marg are on CSI and Caruso is on Miami. There was no need to move the main title up like that.
Agreed. Gary did just get the raise, but when WP earned his raise he wasn't placed over the main title.

I've ruminated over the credits, and I haven't changed my mind. Baba O'Riley is a classic and did not deserve the butchering it deserved. I like the new, updated character video, but I'm a little displeased that AJ and Robert were missing. They've earned their positions in the credits.
I think the poll needs a "It's growing on me" option, now that there have been 4 episodes.

I like the remixed music; only thing I don't like is they cut out that last line at the end - "I don't need to fight, to prove I'm right"... or was it "We don't need to be forgiven"? I'm at work, so can't refresh my memory at the moment..

Anyway, it's growing on me, but there's no fitting poll option. :)
I like the remixed music; only thing I don't like is they cut out that last line at the end - "I don't need to fight, to prove I'm right"... or was it "We don't need to be forgiven"? I'm at work, so can't refresh my memory at the moment..

The very last line was "I don't need to be forgiven" which I always liked. The "I don't need to fight to prove I'm right" line that came right before, on the other hand, never fit a show that was all about proving that they were right.
Ahhh, i really love the song but totally hate the Vid...

it would be better with AJ and Robert in there!

does anyone know who remixed the song? i wanna get my grubby mitts on it :D

speaking of which, why did they give NY a make-over and not the other 2?

to be honest i think NY is more of a 'representative' for the USA so i guess it's like anthony z. pet project...

and also i think the cast for NY are more well known actors/ my opinion!
I'm not fond of the way they've butchered the song in the credits, but I do like that they finally put new images to go with it. I don't like that they shortened the intro, like others have mentioned, I like the phrase "I don't need to fight" in there. They would have done better to put the new images in, and keep the song the same.
I don't like what they did with Baba O'Reilly, the video is great.. But You just don't do that to a Who song, you can't. I really don't like it, I wish they kept it the way it was before.
Yeah, not entirely sure what they were thinking with the baba o'reilly botch. Everytime I would hear the song in full, when the part of the song they used for the show would play, I'd always have this smile on. Now I'd say it's more like a still reminds me of the show no doubt but now it will remind me of how they screwed the song up!!

Oh well, I probably get used to it...

I love that they finally changed the pics/clips of the actors!! I like when they do that with any show. It's nice to have something different to look at!!

All in all though I get this weird 'something's missing' feeling from the credits...not sure what exactly...
i love the new credits and the newer verison of Baba O'Reilly. but i don't like how they put gary and melinda before the csi new york thing and the rest of the cast after it.
Partly said:
I like the remixed music; only thing I don't like is they cut out that last line at the end - "I don't need to fight, to prove I'm right"... or was it "We don't need to be forgiven"? I'm at work, so can't refresh my memory at the moment..

The very last line was "I don't need to be forgiven" which I always liked. The "I don't need to fight to prove I'm right" line that came right before, on the other hand, never fit a show that was all about proving that they were right.

But they proved it without fighting! :lol: At least I always thought so.
The remixed theme song still throws me off a little when it comes on, but I like the spiffy new credit sequence! I'm fine with Gary and Melina being billed ahead of the rest. :) And YAY for new Flack credit shots! Hehe! I love the shot of him getting out of the squad car, wearing Kevlar. *drool* And the other shot of him smirking. *is dead*

I'd say it's growing on me. :) But I'd love it more if AJ and Robert were added to the credits, they deserve it!
i watched the video with the opoening credits 2 days ago. I like what i watched but i didn't like what i listened! My fav part was cut!!! (yeah yeah yeah and Flack's smile)

However i DID like A LOT the fact Melina and Gary are introduced first before "CSI:NY"

Beyond the awful new main theme i like changes


I'm with you guys, what abaut changing the fab credits?? I mean, the old mix (aka 1st to 3th season) of Baba O'Reily really worked, so, why TPTB made another one?

You know, I have in my iPod the original song (the long version and the cutted one ) and I always click on the loop option the listen to it again and again...

I can't understand why they did this.

I've been watching CSI NY on my computer...I gotta say..I did say that I was never gonna like them buuuuuuuuut, they're growing on me :lol:
I just watched it on YouTube and the only thing i like about it is the new Flack and Danny credit shots.
Out of all of them i prefer the first seasons opening credits the best.