Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude *SPOILERS*

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Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

I liked it too...I think I reviewed it. Not sure though (bad case of if not let me know and I'll def. will. Again, I really liked it.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

Boa_Vista_Fan said:

I just found a bunch of awesome pictures of Eva and I really think I should share. So I'm going to. :D


I just noticed this post lol. I'm slow what can I say... but THANKS for the pictures....I'm tempted to do a wallpaper on them hahaha or write a fic on Nat (lol).

Thanks though, they were lovely! :D
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

LiLAqUaMaRiE...please don't double post as it could be considered spamming. If you need to add something to a previous reply, please use the 'edit' finction as opposed to posting twice in a row. Thanks. :)

Also, guys...we need to get back on topic in here, please. Linking to a fanfic occasionally is fine, but discussion of it shouldn't take over the thread. ;)
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

Juma said:
*shameless plug *:
:) I wrote a little fanfic, a post darkroom missing scene.
it's at the, and if you want to read it it's here:
I've yet to really read anything there but I'll get around to it asap. :D

You kind of gave me an idea, Juma... There aren't too many Natalia fics out there. How 'bout if we find any, we post a link? (Because I'm such a sucker for fanfiction... haha.) But in order to keep the mods (*snuggles*) happy, we won't get into a discussion about them... unless it has something to do with Natalia that we can talk about here as opposed to someone's writing in general.

...Did that make sense? And will the mods mind if we do something like that? Will it get too off-topic? Or do you think we could stick to discussing the Natalia bits? Speculation based off of how the character was written in the fic? Compare Natalia in the fic to the character on television?

LiLAqUaMaRiE said:
I just noticed this post lol. I'm slow what can I say... but THANKS for the pictures....
Not a problem! I can't remember where I originally got them from. I found them on my downstairs computer.

But isn't she gorgeous? I envy Eva. She's Puerto Rican, Dutch, and what else?

LiLAqUaMaRiE said:
I'm tempted to do a wallpaper on them hahaha or write a fic on Nat (lol).
*cough*fic*cough* Haha.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

Boa_Vista_Fan said
You kind of gave me an idea, Juma... There aren't too many Natalia fics out there. How 'bout if we find any, we post a link?

...Did that make sense? And will the mods mind if we do something like that? Will it get too off-topic? Or do you think we could stick to discussing the Natalia bits? Speculation based off of how the character was written in the fic? Compare Natalia in the fic to the character on television?

As ThumpyG42 has stated, the occasional link to a fic is fine, as long as it's not taking over the entire thread. We have no qualms with complimenting someone on their fic, but that should not be the entirety of the post.

That being said, if Thumpy and I feel that this thread is becoming increasingly off topic because of it, we'll have to ask that the majority of fics be posted in the Fan Fiction forum. That is, afterall what it's there for. So please keep this in mind. Thanks. :)
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

OK! no problem!
I think Eva is just puerto rican and american? At least that's what I thought.
Does that automatically make Natalia puerto rican as well? or do we know?

Like we know Eric is Cuban-russian? But Adam isn't.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

Eva is dutch? What?? :eek:

Yeah, I've never posted in here, I know, but I'm starting to warm up to Natalia so I figured I might as well start reading here. Eva is a beautiful woman and I just saw darkroom and I loved Natalia in it. So yeah...

But is she dutch? I'm dutch...(no? really? yes, really :lol:)

ETA: Question. When it came out that Natalia's sister was missing, Erica Sikes asked Ryan if it was Christine or Anya. But on, in the description of the episode it says that girl Sasha (or however you spell it) was Natalia's younger sister. Now I'm confused. How many sisters does she have and what are their names? :confused:
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

they made a mistake on that website cause Sasha is Anya's roomate. Anya is the baby of the family after that its probably Christine and then Natalia who is the big sister.

Eva is Puerto Rican, French, Dutch and Scottish ancestry. Also her birthday is coming soon its december 27. Its kinda nice not only do you have chritsmas present but 2 days after you have birthday present!!
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

Thanks Veggie, I figured that must be it. Wow. I have a friend who's bd is on December 27. She doesn't like it though. Okay, off topic. I capped a nice picture of Natalia in darkroom, here it is:


I liked the dress she was wearing. A bit stupid to go to work in a dress maybe, but I liked it. :D
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

Oh! Sorry ThumpyG42, didn't mean to look if I was spamming. I'll try not to double post again. :)

veggie said:
Eva is Puerto Rican, French, Dutch and Scottish ancestry. Also her birthday is coming soon its december 27.
She's PR tooo????? Awesome!!!!!!! Oh wow, dec 27, thats so cool - twice the gifts haha.

Oh before I forget. Thanks for the nice cap Dutchie! Nat so pretty looking.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

Go Eva. Its almost your birthday, (and mine)

Nice cap, Nikster! thats shall be your new nickname. and I like the dress, its really pretty.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

Nikster? No thank you, Nikki is fine. :lol: Yeah it's a nice dress. *wants one*

No problem Lil (<-- is it okay if I call you that? :confused:) She sure is pretty.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

Although I don't watch CSI/MIAMI..I think Eva La Rue. is by far the most beautiful CSI of all of them.. on all 3 shows.. her name Natalia Boa Vista.. cool.. she's drop dead gorgeous, those sparkling brown eyes.. beautiful.. and a firecracker actress. I've been a fan of her's since she was on my soap "ALl My Children"' boy, has she come along way.. and I did watch "48 Hrs." she blows all the other girls out of the water.. I'm a Jorja Fox fan.. and I wished she, Eva, was on the Vegas CSI.. give Grissom & Sara and Cath & the rest of the team a run for their money..just wanted to comment.. on her ;)
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