Name the Episode

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Bumpity bump! Another hint maybe? This one just isn't ringing any bells. Thanks! ;)
Ooh, I think that must be one of three episodes in that case (considering the Speed hint too) - Broken, Body Count or Blood Brothers? That's very greedy of me, 3 guesses! ;)
:lol: I dont' know if that's allowed, Luce. But considering how long this one's been going, I think I'm just going to give it to you. It's from Body Count. Your turn.
Apologies for my cheekiness! ;) I thought I would give it a shot as it had been going on a few days, and it's Friday. :D

Anyway, here's another quote....

Horatio: Yes. Paperwork by the end of the week.
No apology neccesary, Lucy :)
Hmm... for some reason, I want to say Money for Nothing, but I dont' think that's right.
I know it!!!
I know it!!!
I know it!!!

If it's not, then my memory is playing dirty tricks on me. :lol:
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