Name That Episode #2

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^I've not played it much either. :)

It wasn't the episode I was thinking of, however I've checked and you're right, she did say it in Butterflied so you can take the next turn. :lol:

I was thinking of 'Early Rollout' ;)
awesome! I thought she is it in butterflied then after I said it I was like, she said that in another episode too.

ok here is the next one, probably easy:

Greg: "I don't know, I may have to do some field research. Hey, think Grissom would send me to Hawaii?"
*Bites cookie* Yummy. :)

This one's super easy, but it's my all-time favourite line, so I'm posting it.

GREG: For the record, I really like having a penis.
I'm sorry cathwillows for not having answered to your guess, but I could not came here...Though, and by the way, you were right!
About this quote...Ch-Ch-Changes?
Well, I am going to pass and give my turn to anyone else, as I might not be here to answer about the guesses, and I don't want to stop the game again...So, who takes my turn?
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