Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP) **UPDATED**

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Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Ryan waits for a response from Sara but then class starts and he turns his attention to the woman up front talking. He tries to pay attention but he notices Sara writing something on her paper and it didn't seem like she was taking notes for the class. She pushes the paper over for him to read. He glances up at her with a smile then writes something on his paper then pushes over for her to read," Japanese steakhouse sounds great. I'll need to take my case back to my room, do you want to meet me somewhere afterwards?"
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Sara writes back that if all he has to do is drop off his case that she can just walk up with him and then they can head to the restaurant. She then turned her attention to the lecture, where the instructor was demonstrating the newest computer software used in forensic anthropology.
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Stella smiled at Hawkes and Mac, "We'll make sure he pays for hurting you, Sheldon" She softly rubbed his back, "Stay here with us? Please?" She looked at her watch, "We need to get to that thing, Danny and Lindsay should be there waiting on us" She looked back at Hawkes, "Flack is here?"
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Flack smiled to Sophia when she showed him where the holding room was, thanking her quietly. When they arrived in the room, he noted that there was two of the city's finest there to keep suspects under wraps. Flack explained what happened and what they found on the man, letting one of the officers take the man into a lock down room. He, on the other hand, logged the drugs into evidence out of habit and 'must do' as required when he accepted the undercover job.

Flack initialed the small evidence bag and stored it in a locked box, the keys were in posession of the undercover's and the officers in the building. He soon turned back to Sophia, thanking her again in a soft tone. "So.. Shall we go back?" he questioned before looking at his watch. "The opening to the conference has already, if not, it will be soon."
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Ryan watches as Sara writes her response back then he clicks his pen writing back to her," Ok, but don't be jealous when you see my own room I have all to myself." He pushes the paper to her and winks. He watches as she reads it with a smile on her face. He turns his attention back to the lady giving the lecture but he sees out of the corner of his eye Calleigh being Fidgety in her seat.
He writes on his paper then pushes it to her," are you ok, do you want to talk after this class?"
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Calleigh tried again to write down some notes on the lecture, but all she got accomplished was fidgeting with her pen. Ryan noticed again, and wrote her a note, like he had with Sara. He asked if she wanted to talk after the class. She quickly glanced over to Speed, who was fortunatly watching the lecturer and then wrote on her sheet of paper. "Sure, thanks." She pushed it over to Ryan.
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Sheldon looked at both Mac and Stel and said, "I know that I could trust you guys. Last I heard he was still in but he might be out now." He sighed and said to them, "I'm comming with you, you never know, I might actually learn something."
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Stella winked at him, "I'm glad you're going with us, You deserve to be here" she pushed the button to the elevator, "I'm sure we'll have fun, somewhat, well what one can have at these kinds of things" she chuckled.
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Sheldon nodded his head. He knew it was hard for him to say what he did but he was proud of what he said at the same time. As the elevator made it's way down, he said to Mac and Stel, "I want both of you to know now so when we do go back to NY it won't come as a shock to you." He took a deep breath and said, "I applied for a position with the NYPD. I know that I will have to leave the team for a while, but I want to be like everyone else on the team."
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

"I had an idea you were, from what you said" Mac replied. "You should be on a fairly fast track too with the skills you're picking up from the team, and what you have already. If you can get your mind healed enough, I think you can make'll make a good cop."

" As for the guy you mentioned, your statement will help...finding forensic evidence now won't be easy, but I'm willing to look into it, or find someone to look into it since IAB would just throw me off the case. But whatever it takes, I want to make sure this guy doesn't come after you again. Or anyone else."
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

sophia saw flack 'delivering' the man to the officers, and smiled: the glory of her job, putting bad guys somewhere where they can't escape, or go wrong again.
'ofcourse!', she answered when flack asked her to go back. at random, she layed her hand on his arm, and arm in arm, they walked towards the opening...
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Sara was all excited about going to dinner with Ryan and the possibility of spending some time alone with him. Then he writes a note to Calleigh asking if she needed to talk after class. Sara notices Calleigh looking over at Speed and then write back that she would like to. "What's the deal?" Sara thought to herself. "Is Calleigh coming on this date too?" But Sara kept her thoughts to herself and turned her atttention back to the lecture, waiting until Ryan explained himself.
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Ryan reads Calleigh’s note, he nods his head then turns his attention back to the front listening to the lecture. He writes down a few notes of interest while listening then he finds himself glancing over at Sara. The way she has her head tilted and the light is hitting her made her look so beautiful, he couldn't believe she was interested in him. He writes on the corner of his notes," how long is this class?" He pushes it over to her to read.
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Ryan asked Sara how long the class is. "It started at four, and I think it goes until six. It's 4:30 now, we should be up for a break soon," she wrote back, hoping he would take the hint and talk to Calleigh during the break instead of after class when they were supposed to go to dinner.
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Stella smiled at Hawkes, "Just so you know, you *are* one of us, and we're all lucky to have you on our team, and we'll support all your decisions, and we'll miss you while you're gone"
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