Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP) **UPDATED**

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Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Sara's face turned beet red when Greg mentioned he was in the coffee shop. She had no idea he was there. Ryan noticed her discomfort. When Greg turned away Ryan touched Sara on the arm and asked if she was okay. She nodded and smiled and whispered that she was, but Ryan could see she was still uncomfortable. His hand lingered on her arm, and she softly brushed her fingers against his. Ryan smiled and interlocked his fingers with hers. She looked into his eyes and smiled. "Oh, my gosh now we're holding hands," she thought to herself. "I can't believe this!"
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Speed saw Calleigh sit down by Ryan and Greg and sighed.

"I see where her real interests are. I guess I had it coming...being so sudden like that."

He shrugs it off and waits for the seminar to begin.
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Sara introduces Ryan and Calleigh to her colleague Greg from Las Vegas." Yeah, it's nice to meet you too, Greg. Can I call you Greg?" Ryan asks with a smile. Right away he sees a strange look from him remembering he's the guy she told him about then he notices her turning red from his comment. He could tell she was uncomfortable about the situation she was in. He reaches over touching her arm," are you ok?" He asks in a soft tone. Next thing he knows her fingers are against his then they are holding hands. He's in total shock that she likes him that much. He looks over at her smiling.
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Calleigh was happy to be meeting some new people. "Hi, Greg. Nice to meet you!" She shook his hand and nodded. She could tell that Sara was uncomfortable. Calleigh looked away for a second, but when she looked back, Ryan and Sara were holding hands. Her eyes widen in shock. She felt like asking if they had met before. Cause as far as she knew, they had only met a few hours ago. "Atleast someone is having a good time." She thought.

She sees Speed looking over at her, and pretends not to see him. She thought it would be easier and much less akward. She turned to Ryan to say something, so it didn't look so obvious that she was ignoring Speed. "Uhm... Ryan.." She tried to think of something to say. "My pen has run out of ink." She giggled. "Could I borrow one of yours?"
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Ryan sits quietly trying to think of a good conversation to start with Sara but everything he comes up with doesn't sound right, especially with Greg sitting right in front of them. Then he hears Calleigh saying his name and asking for a pen. He looks over at her," you need a pen?" He rolls his eyes," yeah sure let me get one for you." He lets go of Sara's hand so he can pick up his case with his supplies in it. He opens it up looking through the neatly organized case," here Cal, don't loose it or I'll never share again." He lets out a laugh then looks around," does anyone else need a pen or paper?"
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Sara was enjoying the thrill of holding Ryan's hand and gazing into his emerald-green eyes when suddenly Calleigh asked to borrow a pen. "She must have seen us holding hands," Sara thought to herself. "Nice move, am I going to regret having her as a roommate after all?" Ryan offers pens and paper to anyone else who might need it, and when he gets no takers, he touches Sara's arm again. She nervously brushes her fingers against his a second time, and he interlocks his with hers, smiling and gazing into her eyes. "You know, Ryan," Sara said, "it might not be good for us to sit together, you're much too distracting." Just then Greg whirls his head around to see his crush and her new friend holding hands.
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Mac nodded. "Yes, let us. I don't like seeing what's happening to you either. And, if you can make it through this, you'll also have the bonus of showing the naysayers that you're a far better man than they think you are. That they're wrong about what they're saying."
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Speed sees her giggle and decides to move a little closer, so he doesn't misinterpret the actions.

"Sorry. Couldn't see all that well."

He wasn't too proud of lying, but he did what he had to do and he did it as well as he possibly could.
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Greg hears Ryan ask if anyone needs paper and pens, and realizes he forgot to bring stuff to write with. He turns around to take Ryan up on his offer, but sees him holding hands with Sara. Sara doesn't even notice he's turned around, she gazing so deeply into Ryan's eyes. Greg turns back around and sinks into his seat, dejected once again.
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

sophia saw flack hold the man, and runned towards them. 'okay then, let's see what we've got here!', she said, and pulled a package out of the jacket of the man, which was tightly hold by flack. 'aha, drugs, i see!', she said, opening the package. a whole bunch of little tubes were visible now. 'these are harddrugs, i can tell by these tubes, they are only for harddrugs', sophia explained, more to herself and the man then to flack, who obviously already knew this. 'you're looking at a few months in a rehabcentre, and a few months in jail, for carrying harddrugs!', she said to the man, who wasn't looking that happy.
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Sheldon looked at Mac and Stel and knew they both were right. "Both of you will help me through this?"

Catherine was seated in one of the chairs in the room. She was pleased that she got what she asked for, which didn't usually didn't happen.
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

Lindsey by accindent/on perpose Lindsey missed this one cause she fell asleep on the bed in her room one of the others is gunna end up killing me but I needed the restthought Lindsey as she made her way to the coffie place where Sara and Ryan had been.
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

"Yes, we will" Mac replied. "And since it sounds like you're willing to put a lot of effort into it, I really think you'll be all right. I'm still not going to make you stay here if you don't want to; I'll understand if you decide to go."
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

No one takes his offer to borrow his stuff so he puts his case away. He glances over at Sara nervously afraid to take her hand again, but then she moves her hand to his and he grabs her hand holding it once again. A smile spreads across his face," and I thought this trip was going to be a disaster, I think I was wrong." He thinks to himself as he looks straight ahead. Sara tells him he's too distracting to her and he lets out a giggle," your a little distracting too, but I'm sure we can manage together to get enough information out of this class." Just then he see Greg turn around to them like he's about to ask a question, but then he gets a sad look on his face turning quickly back around. Ryan puts his head down, he doesn't know Greg but he feels bad for him. He knows what it's like to like someone and them not even notice them. He looks over at Calleigh seeing Speed has moved closer to her, he gets her a raises eyebrow then turns his attention back to Sara,” how many other classes are we going to have to attend?”
Re: Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP)

"I think this is the only one we absolutely have to go to," Sara told Ryan. "Why, are you thinking up something else we could do together? You never gave me a straight answer about dinner tonight. Got any ideas?"
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