Movie Quote Game # 2

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No biggie, I'm sure... unless Dynamo minds. I guess it'll be his call whether he gives that one to you or not. :)
speedleishot, you may want to add a little more content in your reply and resize your banner to maximum 75 pixels high. Thank you :)
Miss Moneypenny: Why are you so late, James?
James Bond: I fell out of an airplane without a parachute.

Moonraker from 1979, that's actually the only one I've seen.
NikkyJamez, you got the characters and title correctly, so it is your turn. I would prefer people avoid search engines and use their memory, but there is nothing in the rules about it. It just seems like cheating. I would have answered many of these first by using Yahoo or Google, but I don't. Okay, NJ. Go for it.
Exactly, Dynamo1. We all know the meaning of "fair play" ;) Obviously, it's not forbidden to use a search engine to find out where the quotes are from, but let's just try to avoid it and enjoy a fair game :)
C1: Why did C1 go to the movies with you? Well, first of all, C1 likes the movies. C1 had the night off. C1 said, 'Hey, a movie sounds good,' plus he got an invitation.
C2: Why is C1 referring to himself in the third person?
C1: What are you talking about?
Oh! Sorry it took me so long to get back here!

C1: Who the hell is that guy?
C2: That's your momma and daddy for the next thirteen weeks.

Good luck! :)

Hint: Early 80's movie.

No googling please! Thankee.
That would be An Officer and a Gentleman.

Topper: (Played by David Caruso :)) Who the hell is that guy?
Perryman: That's your momma and daddy for the next thirteen weeks.
:D yay! Ok, here goes
C1: How about sex?
C2: I'm sorry, C1, but I'm gonna have to pass. And it's not an age thing, 'cause you are still a handsome man.
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