Movie parodies


I don't think this thread will be that popular, although it can be fun :D Some movie parodies are old, but unforgettable.
I'm sure some of you have already seen the Scary Movie 'series'. Those crack me up. Or how about The life of Brian?
If you like parodies, go ahead and share your opinion! :)
I love movie parodies! I always like the movies better when they are parodied. Like I loved Scary movie 3 &4 because The Ring and War of the Worlds are my two favorite those Scary Movies were perfect.:D

Has anyone seen Date Movie? It was from the makers of the Scary Movies..but not nearly as good IMO.

I heard there is supposed to be a new movie coming out sort of like Scary Movies..It's called Epic Movie. It makes fun of Borat, Nacho Libre, Chronicles of Narnia, Superman Returns, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Snakes on a Plane, Harry Potter, X-men 3, MTV Cribs,Pirates of the Carribean 2, and many other recent epic movies.
According to, Epic Movie is due to be released on January 26 in the US, Jan. 25 in Australia, Feb. 9 in the UK, Mar. 30 in Finland and Sweden, Apr. 5 in Germany.

What a coincidence this thread is started now. I just happen to be watching Galaxy Quest (1999) with Tim Allen, Alan Rickman, Daryl Mitchell, Sigourney Weave, and Tony Shaloub (Monk) on TBS at the moment. It is a spoof of the Star Trek shows.

One of the best spoofs of the James Bond movies is Our Man Flint (1966) with James Coburn. Gadgets, guns, girls, and guffaws... It had it all. I even put the hotline sound on my cellphone as a ringtone.

Airplane is a great spoof of the Airport movies.
I adore the whole Austin Powers series with the way they poke fun at James Bond :lol:. I love how they made Ernest Starvo Blofeld into Dr.Evil & how it was "Goldfinger" into "Goldmember was priceless. The ridiculous name they gave the Powers girls was pretty good too.
My favorite is Spaceballs, OMG, I love that movie, think I will have to go and rent it this weekend, haven't seen it in years.
Vince Vaughn in "DODGEBALL" "You're not a pirate" :lol: amonst many others.. funny movie.and I love all the Austin Powers as well..Mike Meyers..genius ;)
Austin Powers,as JF mentioned.

Then Star Wreck that parodies Star Trek. I think their last movie can still be downloaded from their website ( at - it was internet release). IT's in Finnish but has version where English subtitles. Oh man it's hilarious movie.
Love GalaxyQuest! So need to get it on DVD!

Spaceballs is pretty funny, too, but a bit dated, and I don't watch it too often.

Blazing Saddles, however, is a great Mel Brooks comedy that parodies Westerns.

To be honest, I got tired of the Scary Movie series after the second one, and haven't bothered with the third or fourth films. I didn't watch Date Movie since it's from "two of the six writers" or whatever from the Scary Movie franchise, and I'm not in a rush for Epic Movie, since I read that there isn't really a plot to it, or interaction between characters - instead, it's just goin' to be a collection of skits edited together to make a moive, and I say, "Screw that."
I actually don't really like Scary Movie 2. The first one was so much better, so I see where you're coming from, od0_ital.