More CSI:NY Spoilers: Start Spreading the News!

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Thanks for the spoilers! I am now definitely looking forward to S4, given the intriguing plotlines AND the fact that it premiers on my birthday! I am hoping for some Fiesta lovin' next season, so hoping that Stella's "new" love interest is Flack.
If the part of Stella's boyfriend being "forged-documents erpert" is true, I think the entire idea of Stella having a new love interest is gonna be really really lame. She is a beautifel, succesful and self- confident woman, who I believe deserves much better than what she had been through or what is about to come toward her.
why cant the women of CSI have a 'nice' healthy nondeath related relationship? :lol: they deserve it dangit. -_-;
ive been waiting for ANY relationship to work but alas... *le sigh*

and they wonder why i need a fluff fix right now...
I know, I know--but if she dates another guy that turns out to be a whacko in some way, I won't be surprised. :lol:

Relationships that work don't really boost ratings, I guess. :p

*pulls out a wittle baby bunny* Is this fluffy enough for you? ;)
Oh, for God's sake - when is it going to be Flack's turn for some lovin'?!! :rolleyes: The way they're going round the team I'm figuring Season 8 at this rate!! :)
Flack will be getting some lovin' when Danny decides Lindsay's not what he thought she'd be. :p

Flack's never shown any interest in women at all. Why should he start now? :devil:
Hi, guys,

Thanks for all the spoilers. We just finished here in the UK and I'm already going into withdrawal. Grabs Vicodin. Oops, wrong show...;)

[I've got to say, I've seen Lindsay described as being sweet before, but when has she ever actually been sweet? She's been ambitious, over-eager, enthusiastic, determined, excited, bitchy, whiny, moody, tempermental, fixated...but I've never seen her be sweet.]

Replace 'Lindsay' with 'Peyton' in that sentence, and remove 'enthusiastic', determined and excited', and we have an excellent character analysis. If she didn't have a posh, English accent, I suspect more Americans would see her for the whiny, needy, manipulative character that she is.

When is she ever low-maintenance? When is she 'soft' (though I suspect people confuse 'needy' with 'soft' here; self-sufficient women are often seen as 'hard')? Warm? When does she REALLY listen? Think about someone else? She's always demanding something from Mac. She's prickly, defensive, humour-deprived, and the relationship is a series of vignettes where she demands that he jump through another hoop to prove he cares. He just looks permanently "What now, Peyton?" I don't see the chemistry/warmth everyone else seems to.

And this just pushed her into irredeemable:

"But Mac, I was thinking with everything you’ve been going through and because you adore me, and you do adore me, that you could take some of the seven weeks of vacation and come with me to London."

And YOU DO ADORE ME??? How much more blatantly manipulative and needy does this woman need to be? If I ever said that to my man, I'd tell him to run a, a marathon of miles...away. from. me. If she had a glimmer of warmth and genuine humour - like Stella, who has oodles - she could have pulled it off, and it would have been funny.

Claire Forlani can't leave soon enough for me. I hope Peyton gets a lecturing job in Outer Mongolia or has an ex-boyfriend/husband she decides to go back to - somewhere in Islington.

*End rant*

Ok, I guess we can see who won't be joining the MacPeyton

Good to find you guys...great stuff!

nattybatty55 said:
I can't wait long is it?? :)

Mac is definatly hooked by the sounds of it!
It will be like Jan/Feb here. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! *stamps feet, pulls hair, throws toys out of pram and screams* I WANT SEASON 4!!! AND SEXY STUBBLY MAC!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! It will be the same time for CSI LV too - waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!
Ravenwolf68, it sounds like you would like Mac and Stella togeather. Is there anyone else you would like to see him with either from CSI:NY or another show? Calleigh has been suggested. If you had to make up a new lover for Mac, what would she be like?
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