CSI Level Two
Wow, another absolutely hilarious episode last night! Gloria was the standout with her BB gun routine, but every character had a great part and great lines. This show is a perfect family comedy, alternating touching with funny scenes, and the funny lines were found throughout the episode last night; it's impossible to pick a favorite, and I know I probably missed some. Will have to rewatch online. I love this show!
If you ain't white, you ain't right!
You mean, her face?
Stop screaming!
I could have unbuttoned your shirt if I wanted to.
I'm nice? Luke: Well, not NOW.
Because Dad needs me more. Awwww.
The most adult adulterers ever.
You cheated on me with choreography.
Anyone hurt? Cam: I am.
If you ain't white, you ain't right!
You mean, her face?
Stop screaming!
I could have unbuttoned your shirt if I wanted to.
I'm nice? Luke: Well, not NOW.
Because Dad needs me more. Awwww.
The most adult adulterers ever.
You cheated on me with choreography.
Anyone hurt? Cam: I am.