Modern Family

I love Halloween episodes! Tell me about Modern Family's. — Denis
It'll focus on a horror of another sort: Gloria's accent! "She tries to fix her accent, but of course that doesn't happen," Sofia Vergara tells us. Ariel Winter, who plays Gloria's brainy niece Alex, adds: "Gloria takes on some new weird way of speaking." Since "Ay, Manny!" is already my favorite non sequitur exclamation, I can't wait to see what rich verbal stylings Mrs. Delgado-Pritchett will serve up next.

Wow! Sounds hilarious!!! :lol:
'Strangers On a Treadmill' - hilarious episode! :guffaw: This is way funnier than last week's! I really like the opening scene - Phil telling jokes while Claire was laughing only with her mouth, not with her eyes!!! Awesome face by Julie! :thumbsup: At least Phil has Luke to laugh on his jokes. :lol: Cam and Mitchell act like children especially Cam. Rushing to the bedroom then cry out loud?! :lol: Bike shorts? :eek:

In other news, last night's episode did very well in the ratings: 4.7/13 in adults 18-49 and 11.344 million viewers. Great job!
I loved how Cam's crotch was blurred out. :lol: When Mitchell got caught by Cam while he was talking on the phone to Claire...hilarious! :lol:

My sister-in-law was in DC last weekend and saw "Cam and Mitchell" at the airport. Can you imagine?? How surreal! I would have had to say something. How could you pass up an opportunity like that?! :lol:
Last night's episode, 'Unplugged,' was the funniest this season or maybe one of the many in the entire series! :guffaw: I love Gloria! That rat scene was funny and... gross! :eek: And of course she was mistaken as an obnoxious parrot! :lol: I love her accent! I also like her reaction when Jay offered a visit to Colombia. Is Colombia really that dangerous? Anyone here been there or lives there? Some crime shows I watch also portray Colombia as home of drug cartels and murders.

Over at the Dunphy's, I can't believe Haley could come up with that plan! Never suspected she has this smart side! :lol: And :lol: at Luke's price - all he wanted was a freakin chicken pot pie?! :guffaw:

Mitch and Cam was also funny in this episode. The interview scene was great! :lol: at how diversity was used!

I forgot to mention: it's hilarious that after unmercifully killing a poor rat, Gloria wasn't bothered at all and would go to Church right away! How ironic! :lol:
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Yeah, that ep was definitely the funniest one so far this season. I almost peed myself several times in this one! Cam's native voice was killing me!
The Halloween episode! :guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:

"There are exactly three people in costume here...a tool, a douche, and me!"

"Yesterday's lazy cures today's crazy."

"That's're super delightful!"

"I should go back inside...I have a dish to wash."

"You had squeaky thighs...I lost a childhood!"

"Who wants to live in a world where dogs eat each other?"

"I'm trapped in a men's room and all I have on is a Spiderman suit!" "Hot...who is this?"

"Somebody took my shirt and all the rest of my clothes are all toilet-y! I'm screwed!"

"You don't own bad Halloweens!"

"Make it right, Jay. We're all just hanging by a thread."

"Timmy didn't play by the rules. It's what I liked...and feared...about him."

"And then the townspeople started chasing me, and that's when I wet my pants...I wet my pants..."

"I lived on a farm, they lived in town, they were the townspeople."

"This whole thing is a colossal fog cue."

Good Halloween episode! :lol: at Cam's eagerness to tell anyone about his bad childhood experience! I like the last scene when Gloria finally exploded! :eek: :guffaw:
Good Halloween episode! :lol: at Cam's eagerness to tell anyone about his bad childhood experience! I like the last scene when Gloria finally exploded! :eek: :guffaw:

Her trying to speak without an accent was hilarious! :guffaw: "Welcome to your nightmare, oh oh oh OH oh!" :lol:
Good Halloween episode! :lol: at Cam's eagerness to tell anyone about his bad childhood experience! I like the last scene when Gloria finally exploded! :eek: :guffaw:

Her trying to speak without an accent was hilarious! :guffaw: "Welcome to your nightmare, oh oh oh OH oh!" :lol:

Yeah! And I like the sarcastic look on her face! :guffaw: I also like when Claire imitated Gloria's accent while saying "Welcome to your nightmare, hahaha!"! :guffaw: Her imitation had over-the-top accent and it was hilarious!!!
I loved the daughter's sleazy costumes and Claire's reaction: "What, are you trying to get candy or Japanese businessmen?!!" :lol: Man, this show has such wicked dialogue. Phenomenal.
Seriously...just about every second of the show is just too funny! :lol: Phil getting scared by that coffin every time he passed it! And then when the kid hit him and he still had that voice modifier on and he goes, "Mother of God!" :guffaw:
'Chirp' - pretty fun episode. My favorite scene Cam: ooh, grapes... (ate one, and then spit it) that's a prop. :guffaw: It's also hilarious that Gloria manages to celebrate the anniversary of almost everything good that happened to her! :lol: And of course, Haley's boyfriend overshared when Phil asked him to stay away from Claire because she was having a cold and not because of something else!
"Nice apron!" Beep beep!

"I burnt my ladyfingers!" Beep beep! :lol:

Loved Jay calling Manny "his kid". That was a nice moment. :)
I almost peed myself when Phil said, "I burnt my ladyfingers!" :lol: Plus Claire never mentioned she was married to her trainer- classic!