Modern Day Romeo and Juliet- RP

Cath smiled and nodded. "You're sure?" she asked him. "Once it happens Nick, there's no turning back." she told him as she ran her fingers through her hair. "I know I want to have another child, but I want you to be sure you want one too." she said.
Nick kissed her, then kissed her neck, and leaned his forehead against hers, "I want another child with you Catherine, Lindsey is amazing, and I love those feelings with you" He wondered if that made sense or if he just sounded stupid, but he loved Catherine, and he wanted to have another child with her.
Catherine smlied and placed her hands on either side of his face. "I want to bring a new life into this world with you Nick. Raising Lindsey has been the best ten years of my life and I want to do it all over again, the late nights, the diapers, everything." she said with a small laughed as she kissed him again.
Dawn looked at her, "Do you have your drivers licence with you?"


Nick smiled and returned her kiss, and ran a hand over her stomach, "Lets do it, Cat, lets make a baby"
"Very funny, Lindsay, Those are mine" She kissed her forehead, "Maybe I'll let you steer the wheel when we get back in the hills to go home, ok?"
Catherine nodded and kissed him once more. "Alright, let's make a baby." she said, and a few minutes later, they were well on their way to making a baby.

Catherine fell to the side of him, tiered and breathless. "What do you think? You think theres a little baby just waiting to be born in there?" she asked. "Only time will tell I guess." she said, thinking of when she could take the test.
Nick kissed her, then leaned down to kiss her stomach, "It might be" he smirked up at her, before kissing her.
"Okay" Linds said, handing Dawn back her driver's license and jumping out of the driver's seat.

Lily looked at Dawn "Do you really think that is a wise move?"
Catherine smiled and looked up at him. "I hope so." she added as she brought him up to kiss her again. "This makes me wonder if we should get married sooner than later." she asked.