Modern Day Romeo and Juliet- RP

Cath smiled and rolled him over again. "No way, I get the top this time." she said with a laugh.
{Hehe. Missed you PIC}

Nick laughed as they rolled over, and he looked at her, "Now why should you get to be on top?"
(I missed you too PIC)
"Because you got it last time now give it up." she said as she leant down to kiss him. She was glad that her mother had taken Lindsey out to where ever they had gone. "I like the time alone, we very rearely get this chance." she said as she kissed his neck again.
{Aww..Liar :p -- How ya been?}

Nick ran his hands up and down her back, and over her sides, and over her thighs, and moaned when she kissed his neck, "I know we rarely do" and kissed her neck in return.
Dawn snorted, "Lindsey, you know darn well you are not getting one, trust me, Had one, it completely sucks after awhile"
"There cool though, but I'd rather have a nose ring" Lindsey said, fingering her earings, wondering about getting a belly button percing.
"Don't even think about it" Dawn raised her shirt up to reveal her belly button being pierced, "Hurts like hell, and I had my nose peirced too, I think your mom would rather pierce your ears again before doing that"
How does she do that? Lindsey wondered. "Nah, to ear piericings is tacky." Lindsey said, she didn't like two ear piercings, she heard about a spot one girl had pierced on TV and shuddered, now that was gross.
Dawn looked at her and sighed, "Wait till your older, don't drive your mom and dad nuts right now, they have enough on their plate"
"Yeah, and I can't exactly just hope in the car and go get anything pierced or tatted right now." Lindsey said sarcastically, she was only ten.