Modern Day Romeo and Juliet- RP

Actually, I was talking about csiadict11. She wants to be Lindsay. You can be Grissom though, Lynn...

Can Lady Heather be the priest, 'cause I think that would be funny.
Alexx it says you were playing Griss because you said you were but then I just got confusabled.

csiadict11, you can be Lindsey.

Lady H can be the preist, but who will play her?

Let me get this straight:
Romeo- Nick- iheartnickcath
Juliet- Cath- ilovegrissom1
Mercutio- Greg- Me
The Nurse- Sara- BurnedToast
Tybalt- either OC or Hodges
Benvolio- Warrick
Lord Capulet- Sam Braun
Lady Capulet- Cath's Mom- Me
Lord Montague- Nicks Dad- Me
Lady Montague- Nicks Mom- iheartnickcath
Paris- Grissom- iheartnickcath
(What will her name be) Linsey- csiadict11
Preist- Lady H-
yeah, Alexx and Amanda how yall gonna explain Linds??..or let her be born later? *shrugs* or she's nick's love child! :p
Dude! Alexx wants to play Lady H! Why? Because I can...Besides, I'm cornering the market on her damnit.

Wait, why does Alexx need to explain Lindsay again? Ooh, maybe I should have read the book. >.>
Well there isn't a Lindsey in Romeo and Juliet...she doesn't have a child or anything. That's the problem, Right?
I say Lindsay should be Nick and Cath's secret love child. Cath and Nick have her staying at a secret place where only they know. :D hahaha.
I think it would be fairly interesting if she was a bit older. Just to show how long everything had been going on.