Misc LIMS #3-Challenge 6-Decades. Final Challenge-VOTING!

Re: Misc LIMS #2: Challenge 5-Animals Voting Up

06 - The white sides seem out of place, and cut off the picture in an odd place
07 - The colouring is dull, and the bit of texture that's there doesn't add much to the icon

Re: Misc LIMS #2: Challenge 5-Animals Voting Up

06 - The white edges seem to distract from the image rather than enhance it.
07 - Kind of dark.

Re: Misc LIMS #2: Challenge 5-Animals Voting Up

07 - too dark, looks a little blurry
04 - too bright, the dog and background have nerly the same colour

02 - great cropping and colouring
01 - like the frame and the cropping
Re: Misc LIMS #2: Challenge 5-Animals Results!

I'm going to post the winners and the banners I'm late at posting ...

This round we'll be saying goodbye to:

by csifann1 and
by luff100

Voter's Choice:
by fo_poozle
Doctor Approved:
by Smokey
1: -5+1=-4
2: +5
3: +4
4: -1+4=+3
5: +2
6: -7
7: -3

LivingEnd1 LivingEnd2 csifann1 Dragonfly
fo_poozle Smokey

Next challenge will be posted either later tonight or Sunday!
Re: Misc LIMS #2: Challenge 5-Animals-Results Up!

This was a tough one! Sorry to see you go, csifan1 and luff100.

Thank you for the "Doctor Approved" award! I haven't ever gotten any award in any LIMS before! :)
Re: Misc LIMS #2: Challenge 5-Animals-Results Up!

I could swear I posted in here last night...strange. Well...

Sorry to see you go csifann1 and luf100!
Congrats to the award winners! fo_poozle the coloring of your icon is great!
Re: Misc LIMS #2: Challenge 5-Animals-Results Up!

Oh crap, this and the CSI lims in one go. :lol: Oh well, I had fun. :) Congrats to the winners!
Re: Misc LIMS #2: Challenge 6 - American Idol Now Up!

TalkCSI Misc LIMS 2: Challenge 6 -American Idol!

Restrictions: Black & White
The Icon doesn't have to be entirely black/white a splash of color need it be font, texture etc can be used ... and you have to make an icon of both Adam and Carrie :evil: 1 Icon Each of Adam and Carrie ;)

~ This is an anonymous challenge do not post your icon anywhere else until the challenge is over.
~ Your icon must not exceed 100x100px. It should be in .jpg, .png or .gif format.
~ You must use only the images provided
~ No animations will be permitted.
~ Submit your icon by sending me (Teddy Bear Dr.) a PM with the subject line Misc Lims American Idol or similar.
~ If you are unable to send PM's, you may use the hotmail address in my profile. Just include TalkCSI in the subject so it doesn't go in the junk folder
~ You must submit two icons!
~ If you wish to use your free pass for this round, you MUST send me a PM to let me know. Otherwise it won't count, and you will be disqualified.
~ The deadline for submissions will be Monday June 28h, 2010 . No extensions will be given. (But as you all know when I ran the last LIMS, if something comes up and you give me a heads up, I'll work something out. I'll also give midweek reminders for those who have let sent in an entry)
~ PS You have permission to throw rocks and sticks at me fore making you do two icons :shifty:
Last edited:
Re: Misc LIMS #2: Challenge 6-American Idol

:D I love black and white.

Just to clarify... we're making two icons this round?
Re: Misc LIMS #2: Challenge 6-American Idol

I like black and white. But my question is the same as above...two icons or Adam and Carrie in ONE icon?
Re: Misc LIMS #2: Challenge 6-American Idol

Sent mine in. Not too thrilled with them tho. :lol:
Re: Misc LIMS #2: Challenge 6-American Idol

I sent mine in as well. I like one, but not the other. Maybe they'll cancel each other out? :lol: